November 2025 Events listed below:
- 11/01/2025
Chick-uamegon Women’s 1mile/5K/10K. GIRLS just wanna have FUN! We have a race for everyone! Get your girlfriends together and come to Ashland dressed in your blingest best and walk, run, skip or jump in the eighth annual Chick-uamegon 1-mile/5k/10k walk/run. This is truly a FUN RUN. In place of tiaras, each finishing chick will receive a $5 Chamber Dollar Certificate to be spent in our community, at Bricks and Mortar Chamber Member Businesses. Ashland Retailers will have specials. Prizes will be given away to; 3 places for Blingest or Best Costume ( $50/$25/$25 in Chamber Dollars); Best Dressed Volunteer ($20); 3 random drawings (each $20 in Chamber Dollars) For more information go to - 11/07/2025
Wisconsin Parkinson Association: Chequamegon Bay Area Parkinson’s Support Group. You are not alone. Our meetings are 1pm the first Friday of each month at the Ashland Enrichment Center, 715-682-2776, 400 Chapple Ave. The Bay Area Parkinson’ s Support Group was created to provide encouragement and education for people living with Parkinson’s and their caregivers in the Ashland and Bayfield County area. Questions can be directed to Reggie Holmes: - 11/11/2025
Wisconsin State Free Fishing Weekend, no license required. For more information, call 715-682-2500, or visit - 11/18/2025
Science on Tap at The Alley at 6:30pm! 806 Main St W. - 11/25/2025
NWCC of Tamarack Health in collaboration with Essentia Health hosts Courageous Connections, a Cancer Support Group at Tamarack Health Ashland Medical Center, 1615 Maple Lane in the Stockton Island meeting room on the ground floor near the coffee shop. 11am-12pm. There are virtual options available as well. We provide a safe and welcoming space to allow for sharing patients’ and caregivers’ experiences. We also provide guest speakers on cancer and caregiving-related topics such as: fear of recurrence, emotional impacts of cancer, finding hope and much more! For adults diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, and loved ones impacted by cancer. Please RSVP in advance by calling Laura Martinsen 715-685-5004. - 11/28-29/2025
L&M Fleet Supply Black Friday Sale Flyer. 1910 Lake Shore Dr E. - 11/29/2025
Small Business Saturday! Go downtown and support the local businesses.
November Monthly Happenings:
- Ashland High School Sports Schedule
- Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 9am-5pm
- Vaughn Public Library – 715-682-7060. For more information go to Email with any questions.
- Follow the Mural Brick Road – highlighting the 37 historic murals in Ashland County.
- Christmas Raffle Tickets: On sale for drawings every day during the month of December. For more information or tickets, call the Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce at, 715-682-2500.
- Recreation and Fitness Resources: 140 S. Broad St., Bayfield 715-779-5408.
- Annual Ashland Firefighters’ Toy Drive. Sign up: November 15- December 11. To donate: Bring new, unwrapped toys to any drop-off site or to the Fire Station. Cash donations are accepted at the Fire Station, 215 East 6th St. To sign up children: Please call RSVP at 715-292-6400 Ex 1 or 2. They must be age newborn to 12 years and signed up by December 11th. The Ashland Firefighters Toy Drive is now a 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. Cash or check accepted. Please make checks payable to Ashland Firefighters Toy Drive. Donations accepted year-round. Toys will be distributed on December 17 from 10am-6pm at the Bretting Community Center, 400 W. 4th Ave. For more information or a list of drop-off sites, call 715-682-7052.
- Open Skate at the Bay Area Civic Center Wednesdays 7:30-9pm. $5 per skater. Skate sharpening available for $3 for non AYHA members.
- Washburn Cultural Center November & December exhibit featuring original works by both Red Cliff artist Rabbett Before Horses Strickland and Metis heritage artist Leah Yellowbird, the first this pair has done together.
- Big Top Chautauqua Open Mic Night Year Round Wednesdays 6-9pm at The Backstage.
- Every Wednesday Karaoke with JD Bass at The Alley 8pm-12am & every 3rd Thursday at Morty’s Bar in Bayfield 7-11pm.
2024 Events
- 11/01-03;07-10/2024
The Chequamegon Theatre Association presents: Camelot. Aking and his knights fight for justice and what is right, only to see his world crumble when his wife falls in love with his favorite knight. This classic tale holds memorable musical numbers and entertainment. Evening shows 7pm (November 1-2,7-9). Sunday matinee shows 2pm (November 3,10). For tickets and more information visit - 11/01-04/2024
The Great Pumpkin Collection-for compost-at the Chequamegon Food Co-op. 700 Main St. W. We’ll be collecting your pumpkins for our composter all weekend and into Monday after the big night. Big Lake Organics will have bins up along our mural wall in the parking lot for taking the has-been jack-o-lanterns and turning them back into soil. - 11/01/2024
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center. 9:30-11am The Art of Aging- Memory Matters In this Aging Mastery Program session, we will look at normal age-related memory changes, options for adjusting to these changes, and basic skills to aid memory. Presented by Colleen Brewer, Dementia Care Specialist, ADRC, Bayfield Couty. Register at 715-373-3288 or Sponsored by Ashland/Bayfield County Extension University of Wisconsin Madison. 29270 Co Hwy G. - 11/01/2024
Birch 303 Christmas Open House 10am-5pm. 222 Main Street West. - 11/01/2024
Market on Main Christmas Open House, 515 Main Street West, 10am-5pm. - 11/01/2024
Lena’s Howling Halloween Bash at Lena’s Northern Pines Resort! 7-11pm. First annual Halloween Bash. Featuring the band First-Hand High. Halloween themed drinks, costume contest, outside fire pit, and games. N16243 Lakeshore Dr, Butternut - 11/02/2024
Carnivore Tracking Workshop. 9am – 3:30pm at Northland College. This workshop, instructed by Timber Wolf Alliance Chair Adrian Wydeven and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Technician Sarah Boles, teaches the basics of tracking medium-to-large-sized carnivores in Wisconsin, including track identification, gait patterns, and conducting snow track surveys. Participants will be provided with a tracker’s notebook and track field guide. This workshop completes the second training for becoming a DNR Volunteer Carnivore Tracker for winter wolf counts. Cost if brining your own lunch: $50 Cost if purchasing lunch: $65. 1411 Ellis Ave. - 11/02/2024
Rustic Valley Bazaar 9am-3pm at the Bretting Community Center, 400 4th Ave W, Ashland. - 11/02/2024
Fall 24′ Play It Forward: 9am-2pm. Come help support the upcoming Washburn Band & Choir Trip at our fall Semi-Annual Vendor Fundraiser. Almost 80 vendors! 50/50 Raffle, Prize basket raffles, Free admission! Walking Tacos, Cold & Hot drinks for sale by the students! Washburn High School. 305 W. 4th St. Washburn. - 11/02/2024
Mt. Ashwabay Ski Swap. 10am-2pm. Buy. Sell. Ski. Drop off items 10/30-11/01 10am-5pm. Pick up unsold items 11/09. Early bird season pass rates end 11/02. 32525 Ski Hill Rd., Bayfield. For more information call 715-779-3227 or visit - 11/02/2024
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center. 11am. Shaping the Future: A History of Early Schools in Bayfield Couty, Wisconsin. The Bayfield County Historical Society will have their annual meeting at 10am on this day, and then follow it at 11am with a program on Bayfield County Schools. The program will be based on the new book that documents the stories of over 170 rural schools that operated in Bayfield County before 1950. 29270 Co Hwy G. - 11/02/2024
Chequamegon Humane Association present’s 19th Annual Fur Ball at AmericInn. Channel Your Flannel. 5pm Doors open at 4:30pm. Sample delicious foods from local restaurants! Games, auctions and desserts. Shake your booty on the dance floor. $50. Tickets on sale now! - 11/03/2024
Daylight Savings – Fall behind – move your clocks back 1 hour. - 11/04/2024
Be On Board: Building Better Boards. Join us for an exciting opportunity to build your skills as a nonprofit board member! Whether you’re considering board service, currently serving a board, or a seasoned member looking for a refresher, this program is your chance to hone your skills and ask questions in a comfortable atmosphere. 5-6:30pm at Hotel Chequamegon, Ashland, WI (Dinner provided!) Free! Participants must commit to attending all sessions. Register Space is limited! Session 1: Nonprofit 101 – Fundamental Board Member Duties. Kick off this series with an overview of nonprofits and the fundamental duties of board members. We’ll cover board basics, fiduciary duties (yes, we’ll explain what that means!), and what board members should and shouldn’t do. This session lays the groundwork for effective board service, even if you’re a seasoned member. Presenter: Cameron Krueger. - 11/05/2024
VOTE! All Ashland residents vote at the Bretting Center. 7am-8pm. - 11/06/2024
Ambleside School of Ashland invites you to join them as they honor our Veterans with a Veteran’s Day Chapel at 9am at Salem Church 400 Salem Dr. - 11/07-10/2024
The Chequamegon Theatre Association presents: Camelot. Evening shows 7pm (November 1-2,7-9). Sunday matinee shows 2pm (November 3,10). For tickets and more information visit - 11/07/2024
Senior Dinner and Concert at the Ashland High School. 5pm, Sit-down dinner. 5:45pm, a Concert performance featuring orchestra and Choir members. You are invited to this free event of food, music and fun in honor of our senior citizens! RSVP by calling 715-682-7089. Make your reservations by November 7. Seating is limited. Call early. - 11/09/2024
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Holiday Bazaar. 8am-1pm. Beautiful gift baskets, wine breads, and bakery, handmade quilts, crafts, raffles and cafe snack bar. Raffle tickets are available now at OLL Pastoral Center Office and on the day of the bazaar. 201 Lake Shore Dr. E. - 11/09/2024
Red Bicycle Christmas Open House, 618 West Main Street. - 11/09/2024
Cable Natural History Museum. Glacial Geology of the Esker Trail (Master Naturalist Advanced Training) Join Cable Natural History Museum Naturalist Emily Stone to look into the belly of a massive subglacial snake (that’s the esker)! Hike part of The Esker mountain bike trail while talking about this area’s glacial history and how it impacts the current ecology. Meet at the Cable Natural History Museum at 12:30pm to caravan to a field site. Return by 3:30 pm. Dress for the weather and be prepared for short, steep hikes on rough trails. You don’t have to be a certified Master Naturalist to participate! Any adult learners are welcome. Register by November 6 by calling the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or go to Cost is $20 member/$25 non-member. 13470 Co Hwy M, Cable. - 11/09/2024
46th Annual Elks Lodge 137 Veterans Appreciation Night at the AmericInn, 3009 Lake Shore Dr E. 4:30pm Social Hour. 5:30pm Dinner/Program. Roast Turkey with trimmings. Veterans program to to follow. Guest speaker Lt. Colonel Mark Mackey. USMC(ret.) Many Raffle Prizes!! Tickets $15. Tickets can be purchased at the Ashland Chamber of Commerce. Doors open at 3:30pm. - 11/11/2024
This is Veterans Day!! If you see a Veteran, please thank them for their service to our country. - 11/11/2024
The United Chequamegon Veterans will be visiting schools and nursing homes throughout the week. - 11/11/2024
Veterans Day Breakfast & Ceremony: Breakfast to honor our community Veterans will begin at 9am (they may invite a guest) in the AHS Commons AHS Veterans Day Ceremony will begin at 10:15 in the AHS Gymnasium. Reservations for the breakfast can be made by calling the high school (715) 682-7089. - 11/11/2024
Be On Board: Building Better Boards. Join us for an exciting opportunity to build your skills as a nonprofit board member! Whether you’re considering board service, currently serving a board, or a seasoned member looking for a refresher, this program is your chance to hone your skills and ask questions in a comfortable atmosphere. 5-6:30pm at Hotel Chequamegon, Ashland, WI (Dinner provided!) Free! Participants must commit to attending all sessions. Register Space is limited! Session 2: Board Member Legal and HR Duties and Responsibilities. Learn about the legal and human resource responsibilities of board members. We’ll discuss liability, ethics, overseeing an Executive Director, and other governance topics to help you protect both the organization and yourself from legal pitfalls. Presenter: Cameron Krueger. - 11/11/2024
Cable Natural History Museum. Science at the Sawmill: Outdoor Adventure Film Night. Join us at 6:30pm at the Sawmill Saloon for a selection of exciting short films highlighting human powered adventure. Arrive early to enjoy dinner and drinks! Pre-registration appreciated; drop-ins welcome. Register by calling the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or go to $10 member/$15 non-member. Drop-ins welcome. 13505 US-63, Hayward. - 11/12/2024
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center. 9:30am-4pm Chequamegon Bay Regional Housing Summit. The Chequamegon Bay Rural Housing Summit is the first in a series of regional gatherings intended to build local capacity and partnerships to support the preservation and development of affordable housing in rural communities. The morning session will offer two deep-dive tracks: financing new housing and workforce development. The afternoon session will include a series of presentations highlighting ongoing housing initiatives in Ashland & Bayfield Counties and some new models to consider. This event is sponsored by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) and the Office of Rural Prosperity at the WEDC and Bayfield County. 29270 Co Hwy G. - 11/15/2024
Marengo Valley Veterans Day program at 9am in the Marengo Valley School Cafeteria. American Legion Commander Tom Henke and his wife US Army Veteran Mary Henke will be attending. K-5 Singing 2 Patriotic Songs. Student Readings. Guests may attend. For more information call 715-278-3286. - 11/15/2024
Come and join Northland Women’s Hockey for Home Themed Nights at the Bay Area Civic Center. Home Opener! Pack the BACC with Blue & Orange! 7pm. - 11/15-12/11/2024
Annual Ashland Firefighters’ Toy Drive. Sign up: November 15- December 11. To donate: Bring new, unwrapped toys to any drop-off site or to the Fire Station. Cash donations are accepted at the Fire Station, 215 East 6th St. To sign up children: Please call RSVP at 715-292-6400 Ex 1 or 2. They must be age newborn to 12 years and signed up by December 11th. The Ashland Firefighters Toy Drive is now a 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. Cash or check accepted. Please make checks payable to Ashland Firefighters Toy Drive. Donations accepted year-round. Toys will be distributed on December 17 from 10am-6pm at the Bretting Community Center, 400 W. 4th Ave. For more information or a list of drop-off sites, call 715-682-7052. - 11/16/2024
Fall Harvest Vendor Show at Iron River Community Center behind, the VFW. 9am-3pm. Join over 30+ vendors for a one stop shopping experience. Gift ideas, cash & carry prizes! Serving food and drinks! 8725 East Mill St., Iron River. - 11/16/2024
Come and join Northland Women’s Hockey for Home Themed Nights at the Bay Area Civic Center. Parents Day! 2pm. - 11/16/2024
Benoit Cheese Holiday Open House, 3-5pm. Come sample some Charcuterie & Wine and let’s talk Holdiay Gift Boxes & Certificates. Big savings, discounts & promos. Bonus – Bring your orders & addresses (if we are shipping them) & receive a $10 gift certificate on orders of $75+ one per customer. - 11/16/2024
There’s plenty of fun happening at The Backstage. Cory Carlson: “The Moth” 7pm. $26 Bar open and food available. 84810 State Hwy 13, Bayfield. Click here for more information. - 11/18/2024
Be On Board: Building Better Boards. Join us for an exciting opportunity to build your skills as a nonprofit board member! Whether you’re considering board service, currently serving a board, or a seasoned member looking for a refresher, this program is your chance to hone your skills and ask questions in a comfortable atmosphere. 5-6:30pm at Hotel Chequamegon, Ashland, WI (Dinner provided!) Free! Participants must commit to attending all sessions. Register Space is limited!Session 3: Nonprofit Finance 101 – Financial Information Board Members Should Know Financial oversight is crucial for effective governance. This session will demystify accounting reports and terminology, explain the board’s role in maintaining internal controls, and equip you with tools to ask the right questions and spot red flags. Presenter: Leslie Brunfelt. - 11/20/2024
Vaughn Public Library: Board Game Night. Come alone or bring friends! 5:30-7:30pm in the 2nd floor meeting room. A limited amount of Board Games are provided, feel free to bring your favorite. 502 Main St. W. - 11/21/2024
Chequamegon Food Co-op: Meatloaf Dinner. 4-6pm. $12. Register. Join us or to-go with sides of potato, vegetables, salad and bread. Lentil loaf option for vegetarian. 700 Main St W. - 11/21/2024
Chequamegon Food Co-op: Cooking with Lars; Crispy Garlic Potatoes. Lars will demonstrate the skills needed to up this Wisconsin classic food from Salad Bar to a favorite fall warming food for the chilly months. Take Thanksgiving potatoes to the next level with these homemade ingredients that bring out one of Wisconsin’s most planted and enjoyed crops. $15. 5-7pm. Register. 700 Main St. - 11/21/2024
Vaughn Public Library: Family Night Ancient Egypt. 6-7pm. Lego Pyramid Building, Papyrus Paper Making, Egyptian Necklaces, and Sensory Bins. 502 Main St. W. - 11/21/2024
Vaughn Public Library: A presentation on Ancient Egypt by Gregory Trush. Join Greg Trush for a slideshow presentation and mummy demo as he shares his expertise on Ancient Egypt. 6:30pm. 2nd Floor meeting room. 502 Main St. W. - 11/21/2024
Best Date Night at White Winter Winery: Relax and enjoy a quick weeknight out with your favorite person! 2 Mead/Cider by the glass and a small charcuterie to share ~ $25; 2 Cocktails and a small charcuterie to share ~ $30.6:30-8:30pm. Register by Nov 14 68323 Lea St A, Iron River. - 11/23/2024
Saron Lutheran Church Winter Wonderland Holiday Market, 517 9th Ave West, 9am-1pm. A winter wonderland of holiday gifts, decor, products and baked goods from local crafters and vendors. Coffee and goodies & lunch available. Call Kris at 715-746-2266 for more information. - 11/23/2024
The Gathering Barn. The Holiday Event of the Season! 9am-1pm. Over 25 vendors. Food Trucks outside. 50467 State Hwy 13. - 11/24/2024
The Rock Community Church in Mellen invites you to our annual Thanksgiving community meal. We hope this will be a special time to gather with neighbors, friends, and family to build an attitude of gratitude and fellowship. 11:30am. Come as you are and join us for food. fellowship, and community at The Rock. We look forward to seeing you!! 721 Fayette Ave, Mellen. - 11/24/2024
Chequamegon Food Co-op: Krumkake with Sara Beadle; Norwegian for ‘curved cake’ these are of the most fun traditional Norwegian cookies to make. It’s a quick process of using a specialized iron and quickly rolling up the cookies while they’re still hot. 2-3:30pm. Register. 700 Main St W. - 11/25/2024
Be On Board: Building Better Boards. Join us for an exciting opportunity to build your skills as a nonprofit board member! Whether you’re considering board service, currently serving a board, or a seasoned member looking for a refresher, this program is your chance to hone your skills and ask questions in a comfortable atmosphere. 5-7pm at Hotel Chequamegon, Ashland, WI (Dinner provided!) Free! Participants must commit to attending all sessions. Register Space is limited!Session 4: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Success Strategies. Being a new or prospective board member can be both exciting and challenging. This interactive workshop will help you reflect on your behaviors, develop success strategies, and provide resources to thrive in your new role. Whether you’re driven to make a difference, support the community, or be a voice for the underrepresented, this session will guide you through the rewards and challenges of board service. Presenter: Chris Davila - 11/26/2024
NWCC of Tamarack Health in collaboration with Essentia Health hosts a Cancer Support Group at Ashland Vaughn Public Library, second floor, Garland meeting room, 502 Main St. W. 11am-12pm. Providing opportunities for shared experiences. To educate by providing guest speakers that will talk about cancer related topics. For adults diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, and loved ones impacted by cancer. Please RSVP in advance by calling Laura Martinsen 715-685-5004. - 11/28/2024
Happy Thanksgiving! - 11/28/2024
Our Lady of the Lake Free-Will Offering Thanksgiving Dinner. 11am-1pm. Dine in, Take-Out or Delivery! 201 Lake Shore Drive East. 715-682-7620. - 11/28/2024
The Washburn Area Chamber of Commerce will again host a Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot! This fun family event. Pre-registration opening soon. Same day registration will start at 8am at the Washburn Chamber Office with the fun run starting at 8:30am. For more information visit - 11/29-30/2024
Solstice Outdoors FREE GIFT with purchase is back! Shop our small business on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday and get a FREE custom Apostle Islands Adventure Bandana. FREE with a purchase of $60 or more. While supplies last! It’s our way of saying “thank you” for being a great customer. Open Black Friday 8am-7pm and Small Business Saturday 10am-7pm. Sunday 10am-4pm. 2521 Lake Shore Drive W. - 11/29-12/01/2024
Country Blossoms Christmas Open House, 64715 Gilles Rd. Fri. 6-9pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. Weekdays 1-6pm. Holiday containers, kissing balls, porch pots, holiday decor, Christmas trees and more. Fresh Cut Christmas Trees & Wreaths! - 11/29/2024
Come and join Northland Women’s Hockey for Home Themed Nights at the Bay Area Civic Center. Native American Heritage Night! 6pm. - 11/30/2024
Flourish’s Wreath making classes begin at 9am. It’s that time of year again! We are offering 2 hour time slots to come in and make your own Christmas wreath. The $25 includes your wire frame and all greens(extra charge for extra large) There will be bows and ribbons, pinecones, shiny ornaments, and pretty berries for purchase:). Register. 1314 Lake Shore Drive, Suite 2. - 11/30/2024
Meet and Greet with Santa at The Union Boutique, 100 Main Street West. 10am-12pm. Bring your cameras for pictures with Santa! Cookies, drinks & a boutique deal! - 11/30/2024
Crossroads Outreach Center, Inc. ThanksGiving Vendor/Craft Festival & Market. 10am-3pm. Vanguard Worship, raffles, Journey Photography, games and fun! 20+ vendors & non profits. Bretting Center. 400 4th Ave W. For more information call Carleen 715-765-0566. - 11/30/2024
Be sure to bring your cameras to capture pictures of your family and the jolly couple. Bring your letters to share with them. Each child will receive a book and a free raffle ticket for a chance to win a bike. The drawing will take place at noon. Please encourage your family, friends. and neighbors to stop by with their youngsters and visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Continuing a tradition of making merry memories. 10am – Noon at the Legion Memorial Library 106 Iron Street, Mellen. Thanks to the Mellen Lions Club. - 11/30/2024
“Hometown Holiday” in Glidden – From 11am to 4pm start at the GADC headquarters at the Jacobs Town Hall where you will receive all your information, raffle tickets, and Santa Run Cards for the day’s events; such as, the Craft Fair, music in the street all day, free Christmas family or individual photos, raffles, Santa Run from 11am -4pm featuring our local businesses and the Kids Beary Crafty Corner (held at the Assembly of God church in Glidden). Santa will be arriving around 1pm and the Santa Paws Parade will be starting at 5:15pm from the star on the hill to the Town Hall, followed by raffle drawing at the Jacobs Town Hall. For more information visit - 11/30/2024
Event Horizon Presents: Christmas Oddities Market. 11am-4pm. Come see what artists have to showcase and sell from candles of soy, soaps of Sally, the skulls of past, earthen mugs, prints of art, scents of herbs, creatures of fae and jewerly of the obscure. Welcome to the Christmas Oddities Market! Old Beaser Schoolhouse, 2nd Floor Room #5, 612 Beaser Ave. - 11/30/2024
Mark your calendar! We want to share Small Business Saturday with you! It’s a holiday shopping tradition, that celebrates small businesses like ours. And it wouldn’t be a celebration without customers like you joining us. Enjoy a glass of GLOGG while you shop. Play our Mead Glass Cork Toss for discounts & prizes. 20% off your mead or cider purchase of 4 bottles or more! Buy a $50 Gift Card for $45 ~ Buy a $100 Gift Card for $85. Remember to mark your calendar for the Saturday after Thanksgiving — and get ready to Shop Small ® with us. Grab a friend or family member and come by White Winter Mead, Cider Spirits between 11-5pm on the big day. Can’t visit in person? Go to for the same great discounts! You can help get the word out and celebrate Small Business Saturday ® by using #ShopSmall on Facebook, Instagram, and all your social networks. 68323 Lea Street Iron River. - 11/30/2024
Come and join Northland Women’s Hockey for Home Themed Nights at the Bay Area Civic Center. Hockey Fights Cancer! 2pm. - 11/30/2024
There’s plenty of fun happening at The Backstage. Holiday Club Night. 6:30pm. $46 Bar open and food is included. 84810 State Hwy 13, Bayfield. Click here for more information.
2023 Events
- 11/25/2023
Dribbling Dockers at the Ashland Elementary School Gymnasium, 9:00-10:00am. Dribbling Dockers registration is FREE for all K-2 students. this is an introductory basketball program. The goal of this program is to teach fundamental skills of the game of basketball to youth in fun, organized and educational ways. This class is taught by adult coaches and High School students-athletes from the Ashland High School boys’ and girls’ basketball programs under the direction of the Ashland Athletic Department. Dates are November 25, December 2, 9 & 16. Any questions email Ricky Bretting at Looking forward to seeing all the kids in the gym! Halftime performances are Friday January 5th when the Boys Varsity takes on Spooner (7pm start time) and Tuesday January 9th when the Girls Varsity takes on Barron (7pm start time).