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July 2025 Events listed below:

  • 07/04/2025  Ashland’s 4th of July Celebration:  
    • Parade at 11am on Main Street. Click here for parade registration form.
    • The Annual Cemetery Walk at St. Agnes Cemetery, 2-4pm, rain alternate will be held at the Our Lady of the Lake Church Social Hall.
    • Concert Mesang Bandshell, Hwy 2 in Ashland, Ashland City Band. 8pm. Free and open to the public. Questions email
    • Ashland Fire Run at 9:30pm on Historic Main Street.
    • Followed by the Ashland Fireworks display over Chequamegon Bay at approx. 10pm.
  • 07/04/2025
    Mellen 4th of July celebration: Breakfast at the Ballfield (Memorial Field); Annual 4th of July Parade at 12noon; Frog-Jumping Contest at Three Rivers Park; Baseball Games at Memorial Field; Roly Polys at the Mellen Fire Hall; Bingo, Beer, and Brats at the Mellen City Garage; Live Music at Memorial Field; Bellringer Run/Walk; Kids Money Scramble; Kiddie Parade; Fireworks – lit off at Water Tower Hill at dusk, Fayette Avenue Mellen, WI.  For more information check their Facebook page or call 715- 274-2330.
  • 07/04/2025
    A Full Day of Events: The Madeline Island 4th of July celebration starts at 10:30am with a parade that includes entries from firetrucks and ambulances to family reunion marching units.  Following the parade, there is a program on the village green in front of the Madeline Island Museum which includes the band, a choir, group singing of patriotic songs and speeches appropriate to the occasion. This is a not-to-be-missed program that also includes the awarding of all the parade trophies. Our spectacular fireworks begin at dark, which this far north is almost 10pm. The light show is synched to music, boats are out floating at anchor in the harbor, and the magic takes over. The fireworks truly are a community effort with fundraising to cover their cost taking place all year long. If you want to be a part of this event, make plans now.  For more information about Madeline Island, please see our website at, or call the office at 715 -747-2801.
  • 07/04/2025
    Glidden Independence Day, parade, games, food, and fireworks at dusk at Marion Park. For more information visit Sponsored by VFW Auxiliary.
  • 07/04/2025
    Wisconsin Parkinson Association: Chequamegon Bay Area Parkinson’s Support Group. You are not alone. Our meetings are 1pm the first Friday of each month at the Ashland Enrichment Center, 715-682-2776, 400 Chapple Ave. The Bay Area Parkinson’ s Support Group was created to provide encouragement and education for people living with Parkinson’s and their caregivers in the Ashland and Bayfield County area. Questions can be directed to Reggie Holmes:
  • 07/07-15/2025
    Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute Northland College Youth Programs Summer Adventures present Stewards of Tomorrow: BWCA Leadership & Adventure for ages 14-17. 7-day canoe experience. For more information visit or call 715-682-1823.
  • 07/13-19/2025
    L&M Fleet Supply Customer Appreciation Sale Flyer.  1910 Lake Shore Dr E.
  • 07/15/2025
    Science on Tap at The Alley at 6:30pm! 806 Main St W.
  • 07/16/2025
    Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center: Cloverbud Day Camp, 8am-1pm. A fun day camp opportunity for area youth finishing grades K-2. Nature education, arts & crafts, outdoor scavenger hunt, parachute play, group games, snack, & bag lunch. 29270 Cty Hwy G.
  • 07/18 & 19/2025
    Bay Days on Main Street!   All School Reunion & Friday:  Food Vendors, Sidewalk Sales & Arts & Crafts and Battle of the Bands.  Saturday: Arts and crafts, food booths, strongman contest, Cornhole, pie eating contest, fun run, Music and other family fun.  For more information, call 715-682-2500 and visit
  • 07/19/2025
    Bay Days 1-mile/5k & 10K Fun Run. For more information, call 715-682-2500 and visit
  • 07/19/2025
    Catch a ferry ride to Madeline Island this summer as 1860 vintage baseball invades one of the most gorgeous summer vacations in all of Wisconsin. This is a first for all involved, six teams will be playing throughout the day. Teams include: Menomonie Blue Caps (WI – Host Club) Sand Creek 9 (WI) Afton Red Socks (MN) Topeka Westerns (KS) Milwaukee Cream Cities (WI)
    Rum River Rovers (MN) More details and event information coming soon. Admission is only 2-bits (.25 cents). Start at 9am. 315 Middle Rd, La Pointe.
  • 07/22/2025
    NWCC of Tamarack Health in collaboration with Essentia Health hosts Courageous Connections, a Cancer Support Group at Tamarack Health Ashland Medical Center, 1615 Maple Lane in the Stockton Island meeting room on the ground floor near the coffee shop. 11am-12pm. There are virtual options available as well. We provide a safe and welcoming space to allow for sharing patients’ and caregivers’ experiences. We also provide guest speakers on cancer and caregiving-related topics such as: fear of recurrence, emotional impacts of cancer, finding hope and much more! For adults diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, and loved ones impacted by cancer. Please RSVP in advance by calling Laura Martinsen 715-685-5004.
  • 07/25-27/2025
    Moquah Pioneer Day 11am-5pm at the Moquah Town Hall & Grounds. Food, Cornhole, Kids Game, Chicken Shoot and more. 11:30am-1:30pm Meal with Bratwurst, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and all the fixins. Ages 5 & under eat Free! 1pm Kids Games sponsored by the Pine Creek 4-H Club! 2pm Cornhole Tournament. Trophies for the top 3 champions!
  • 07/25-27/2025
    67th Annual Pioneer Days at the Butternut Community Park. Fun for the whole family! 11am. More information to come!
  • 07/26-27/2025
    Iron River Lions Club Blueberry Festival at Moon Lake Park, County Hwy. H, Iron River. Rides, crafts, food, games, live music, special blueberry treats & more!   Sunday, July 27 at 3pm The Dweebs will be performing!  For more information, call 715-372-8558.
  • 07/26/2025
    Penokee Mountain Bike Road Race and Tour, hosted by the Mellen Area Chamber of Commerce. Registration: 7:30-9:30am. Race start: 9:30am. Pre-race fee: $30.00 Race day: $35.00. Forty-seven miles of scenic highway traversing rolling hills and flat terrain. Awards given: 1st place overall for men and women; 1st-3rd given for age groups in 5-year increments. Treats for all riders at the end of the race. 715-274-2330.
  • 07/28-08/04/2025
    Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute Northland College Youth Programs Summer Adventures present Girls Empowered: Isle Royale Leadership & Adventure for girls age 13-15. 7 day backpack experience. For more information visit or call 715-682-1823.


July Monthly Happenings:

  • Saturdays, end of May through August: Stock Car Races at ABC Raceway, 2187 Butterworth Rd.  For more information, call 715-682-4237, or visit
  • Saturdays Mid-June through mid-October:  Ashland Area Farmer’s Market, 8am-12pm, on Chapple Ave, Ashland in front of Black Cat and Ashland Baking Company. Check them out on Facebook or visit
  • Guided Mural Trolley Tours -The 8-block Main Street Business District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is the background for a fascinating tour through Ashland’s history as seen through the eyes of Ashland’s mural artists Kelly Meredith and Susan Prentice Martinsen. Trolley Tours are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Pick-up Location in the parking lot of the Bay Area Civic Center, 320 4th Ave West. The tour will be approximately 75 minutes long. Tickets are purchased on the Trolley. Cost: $5.00 per person.  Children under 6 are FREE!  (Cash only accepted, you pay on the Trolley.) For more information on the Mural Trolley Tour please call the Ashland Chamber at 715-682-2500. Sponsored by Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce and BART. Tours run Fridays and Saturdays 10am & 1:30pm and Mondays 1:30pm. June 2nd through September 9th.
  • Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 9am-5pm
  • Bay City Cycles  …. 2024 Casual Group Ride. Check our Casual Group Ride at Bay City Cycles Facebook group for weekly updates.
  • Recreation and Fitness Resources –  Please see their website for more information – we will be updating regularly.
  • Vaughn Public Library –  Not just books anymore!! Temporary address 618 Beaser Ave.
  • Chequamegon Bay Golf Club:   Check our Facebook Page  If you have any questions, please contact the Pro Shop at 715-682-8004.
  • Follow the Mural Brick Road … in the county of the land of Ashland.  A fun scavenger hunt with the beautiful murals in Ashland County!
  • Ashland Parks and Rec.715-682-7059.  Activities will be starting in July for the kids. Baseball, T-ball, Little Girls Softball, Basics of Baseball, Gymnastics, Summer Camps, Tennis, and Fun Run & Read.
  • Washburn Cultural CenterArt Galleries, Antiques & Gifts Shop, Washburn Area Historical Society Museum. 1 East Bayfield Street, Washburn.
  • Lost Creek Adventures, 22475 Hwy. 13, Cornucopia. Click here for Classes! For more information, call 715-953-2223 or visit
  • Big Top Chautauqua Open Mic Night Year Round Wednesdays 6-9pm at The Backstage.


2024 Events 

    • 07/03/2024
      The Chequamegon Chapter of the North Country Trail Association invites you to join them on a series of hikes. Hike #1 Rainbow Lake Wilderness. 10am. For more information Register by sending the hike # and your email address to Please check the NCTA Facebook page about cancelations or postponements.
    • 07/03/2024
      Bayfield Summer Concerts; A Salute to America -A Walk Down Tin Pan Alley. 5:30 pm. Duluth based Lyric Opera of the North Singers Vicki Fingalson, Sarah Lawrence, Calland Metts, Jeffrey Madison and pianist Bill Munson bring us the music of George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Irving Berlin. “It’s a Grand Old Flag” and “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy” .… and more! Free will offerings  ($10 suggested) are gratefully received at the door. Bayfield Presbyterian Church. 306 Washington Ave, Bayfield.!
    • 07/03/2024
      Big Top Chautauqua presents Shakey Graves with Clover County. Dance Alert. 7:30pm. 32525 Ski Hill Rd, Bayfield. For more information or to get tickets
    • 07/05/2024
      Cable Natural History Museum Art of Natural Play; Drop in at the Wayside Wanderings Natural Play Area to join local artists to create make-and-take nature crafts. All ages welcome! Find us at 43135 Randysek Road in Cable. Fridays 10 am to noon. June 28 through August 9. Donations welcome. Call 715-798-3890 for more information.
    • 07/05/2024
      Namekagon Campground Talk: Join the Cable Natural History Museum and the U.S. Forest Service at the Namekagon Campground for a family friendly nature talk! Meet at 4pm at the picnic shelter. Donations welcome. Call 715-798-3890 for more information. Fire Rd 209, Cable.
    • 07/05/2024
      Vaughn Public Library host Outdoor Movie Night at Pearson Plaza. Movie will be Barbie on Friday, starting at sunset! For more information call 715-682-7060.
    • 07/05/2024
      The Black Cat presents: Bentley & the Deal. 7-10pm. 211 Chapple Ave, Ashland.
    • 07/06/2024
      Ashland Ford Chrysler is hosting Wheels for Meals Car Show on 9am-3pm. Sponsored by Northern Clearing, O’Rielly’s Auto Parts, and NAPA Auto Parts. Created to help the BRICK Ministries. All proceeds made will be donated to The BRICK. 50/50 Raffle and Lion’s Club will be selling brats. 28715 US-2.
    • 07/06/2024
      ABC Raceway Fastlane Motorsports Six Cylinder Slam presented by Safari Bar: Raceway located at 2187 Butterworth Road. Stock car racing.  Regular season races on Saturday night. Hot Laps- 6:30pm. Racing-7pm. Grandstand opens at 5pm.  For more information, go to
    • 07/06/2024
      Clam Lake Fireworks starting at dusk at the Clam Lake Community Club.    For more information, visit  715-638-0484.
    • 07/06/2024
      White Winter Winery’s Music on the Porch with Moss Creek. Meadmaker Jon will be joined by Dave Berard & Ken Marienfeld to get the weekend rockin!Moss Creek will be playing a unique and soulful mix of Country, Rockabilly, Americana, and Blues (CRAB), from well-known classics to esoteric “B” sides, always something interesting! 2-5pm. 68323 Lea St A, Iron River.
    • 07/07/2024
      Butternut 4th of July Picnic at the American Legion Hall. For more info call 715-769-3951.
    • 07/07/2024
      Burgers, Blues and Brews. Burgers start at 4 until sold out.  Bring a friend and a chair and join us! Live music at the Delta Diners Tap Shack,14385 Cty Hwy H, Delta. 4:30-7pm The Last Highway Blues Band.
    • 07/08/2024
      Northwood Technical College presents: Express Mondays. 3-6pm. Ashland Campus, 2100 Beaser Ave.  Visit Ashland Student Services to learn about different programs, get a tour of campus, apply, get admitted or even register for fall classes. Student Services at Northwood Tech’s Ashland campus will have evening hours the second Monday of each month throughout the summer. Stop in to see how we can help you take the next step!
    • 7/08-10 & 8-12/2024
      Lost Creek Adventures presents: Teen Kayak Camp, Cornucopia.  Kayak Camp is designed for youth ages 14-16, incorporating adventure travel in sea kayaks, wilderness survival, outdoor skills, leadership, and community building. More dates are coming soon, so let us know if you have a schedule conflict and we can try to schedule around your needs. Learn more & register
    • 07/09/2024
      Cable Natural History Museum: Botanical Club of Wisconsin Annual Meeting. The Cable Natural History Museum is helping to host this exciting event at the Forest Lodge Estate. Visit to register or find out more.
    • 07/09/2024
      North Coast Cruise In. Cars, Truck & Motorcycles.  6-8pm at Good Thyme Restaurant, 77180 State Hwy 13, Washburn. Food & drinks available in the bar. Music sponsored by Washburn Hardware & Sport. Peoples Choice trophy sponsored by Good Thyme Restaurant. For more information call Ron at 715-373-2030.
    • 07/11/2024
      Cable Natural History Museum: Loon Pontoon Tour on Lake Owen: Learn amazing facts about these ancient birds and the beautiful lakes where they live, while touring on a pontoon boat. A Museum naturalist will share stories about the facts and fantasies behind this Northwoods icon. Meet at the Cable Natural History Museum at 9am-noon.Registration required. $38 member/$43 non-member. For more information or to register call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit 13470 County Highway M, Cable.
    • 07/11/2024
      Concert at H Pearson Plaza, 610 Lake Shore Dr. W. in Ashland, Henry Bitzer. 7pm. Free and open to the public. Bring your own chair. Questions email
    • 07/11 -13/2024
      County G Community Neighborhood Garage Sales. Friday 12-6pm. Saturday 8am-2pm. 7 houses. Rain or shine. Turn onto Cty. Hwy. G by the Visitor Center and there will be sales up and down the road and some nearby side roads. Balloons will be posted by each sale.
    • 07/12/2024
      Chequamegon Bay Shortstop practice rounds at Chequamegon Bay Golf Club.  For more information call 715-682-8004.
    • 07/12/2024
      Cable Natural History Museum: Botanical Club of Wisconsin Annual Meeting. The Cable Natural History Museum is helping to host this exciting event at the Forest Lodge Estate. Visit to register or find out more.
    • 07/12/2024
      Copper Falls State Park: Firefly Storytelling Hour!! Campfire & S’mores. 6pm. Firefly participants can hear exciting nature stories or offer to share their own story around the campfire. Authors and poets are invited to participate. Join the Friends of Copper Falls and master storyteller Jeff Wilson, retired DNR Wildlife Technician. 36764 Copper Falls Rd, Mellen.
    • 07/12-14/2024
      Big Lake Orchestra presents: Looking Back-Celebrating Great Works of Classical Nostalgia.  From Ludwig van Beethoven to Edvard Grieg, we’ll take you on a tour of the past through musical rose-tinted glasses. Fri-7-9pm; Sat-7-9pm; Sun-3-5pm. All performances at The Washburn Club, 3 W Bayfield St, Washburn.
    • 07/13-14/2024
      The 79th Ashland Men’s Shortstop Golf Championship at the Chequamegon Bay Golf Club, 3000 Golf Course Rd, Ashland. For more information, call 715-682-8004.
    • 07/13/2024
      Copper Falls State Park: Yoga in the park! 9-10am. Enjoy a relaxing yoga session on the shores of Loon Lake. Join yoga instructor Lori Hall for an hour of yoga stretches that increase your flexibility, balance,, strength, energy and breath. The beautiful landscape of Copper Falls State Park adds to this whole body experience. Park admissions sticker is required. Meet at the Loon Lake Beach. 36764 Copper Falls Rd, Mellen.
    • 07/13/2024
      The Bayview History Committee presents: Open House at the Houghton Depot. 10am-12Noon. Bayview Park Road & Hwy 13 (halfway between Washburn & Bayfield). Looking to connect to the beauty and history of the Bayfield Peninsula? Bring the family to tour the Houghton Depot and step back in time. Have a picnic among the pines at the large shelter, walk the incredible sand beach and take a dip in the beautiful inland sea. Marvel at the coastal wetlands along the trail that connect to Friendly Valley Beach. Very clean privy facilities on site as well! For more information visit or check their facebook.
    • 07/13/2024
      9th Annual Sanborn Tractor & Truck Pull at Sanborn Pioneer Days, Sanborn Memorial Park.   Park opens at 12 Noon.  Loyal Mini Rodders 2pm, Truck/Tractor 5pm.  Pedal tractor pull for kids, activities for kids, food & beverages for sale. Admission $10 adult; 6-12 $5; children 5 & under Free.  Admission and money raised go to park repairs.  Music at 8pm, 50/50 Raffle For more information 715-278-3908; 715-492-7238; 715-209-8036.  No carry ins allowed.
    • 07/13/2024
      Copper Falls State Park: A Musical Tribute to History of Mining in the North. 6–8pm. Ironwood, MI based singer/storyteller Bill Jamerson will present a musical tribute to the History of Mining in the North at Copper Falls State Park. Jamerson’s presentation is as entertaining as it is important; as honest as it is fun. It’s about people both ordinary and extraordinary, with stories of strength, wit and charm. Dressed as an iron miner with guitar in hand, Jamerson performs songs and tells stories about the work underground, union organizing, growing up in The Great Depression, and the immigrant story. The stories come from interviews with iron miners made over twenty-five years ago. After the concert, make room for local “Penokee Sundaes” served by the Friends of Copper Falls State Park. The program is free and open to the public.
    • 07/13/2024
      ABC Raceway Renegade High Roller Series presented by Bad River Lodge and Casino: Raceway located at 2187 Butterworth Road. Stock car racing.  Regular season races on Saturday night. Hot Laps- 6:30pm. Racing-7pm. Grandstand opens at 5pm.  For more information, go to
    • 07/14/2024
      Copper Falls Pancakes in the Park. 8am-12noon at the park’s historic pavilion. Enjoy some family fun with a homemade local favorite, “Pancakes in the Park”, real maple syrup, and all the fixings. Proceeds help maintain the park’s picturesque trail system.
    • 07/14/2024
      Legendary Waters 1st annual Golf Tourney. Go for the GREEEN! 10am Shotgun Start. Cash prizes! To register or for more information call 715-779-9463 or email morris@legendarywaters.
    • 07/15-18/2024
      Lumberjacks Youth Basketball Summer Camps. 1st-5th grade. 9am-Noon. Camps are open to boys & girls – entering grades in fall 2024. For more information click here.
    • 07/15-18/2024
      Ashland Parks and Rec: Parks, Play, & Pals is a program for kids ages 4-6 who are looking to find new friends and play. 9-10:30am at Purple Park Pavilion next to Tennis Courts. 6th St.W.
    • 07/16/2024
      Cable Natural History Museum: Waterbug Ballet at Forest Lodge from 1 – 4pm. Learn about the amazing tiny creatures in lakes and rivers who provide us with important information about water quality…then connect to them through dance! Participants will spend time finding, observing, and learning about macroinvertebrates living along the shoreline of Lake Namakagon with the Superior Rivers Watershed Association. Using their observations and an introduction to ballet and creative movement, participants will work together to create a dance to share with their families at the end of the second class on July 23. Open to children ages 7-9. Children should bring their own life jacket. Ballet shoes are optional. Meet in the Great Hall of the Forest Lodge Educational Campus, 22230 Garmisch Rd, Cable. 1 – 4 p.m.  $12 per class. Register at  or by calling the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890.
    • 07/17/2024
      Northland College presents: Summer Lecture Series at Forest Lodge—Listening to the Lakes Forest Lodge Educational Campus, 22230 Garmisch Road, Cable. 6-7pm. Hear Peter Levi, associate director of the Northland College Mary Griggs Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation, weave together the water quality story of Lake Namekagon, Garden Lake, and Jackson Lake, as told from the research buoys on the lakes. FREE! Register here.
    • 07/18-20/2024
      Stormy Kromer 11th Annual Warehouse Sale.  Join us for our 11th Annual Warehouse Sale, 1238 Wall Street, Ironwood, With one-of-a-kind samples & prototypes, discontinued colors & styles, factory seconds, and more. Up to 80% off, one-of-a-kind items, deep discounts and seconds. New Fall 2024 items also available. July 18, 9am-5pm, July 19, 9am- 5pm, and  July 20, 9am- 3pm.
    • 07/18/2024
      The Fun in Fundraising Training session for non-profits, sponsored by the Apostle Islands/Chequamengon Bay Area Community Fund.Gain a comprehensive overview of the diverse world of fundraising strategy.  Designed specifically with smaller, rural, and volunteer-led nonprofits in mind, this training will provide practical insights and strategies to funraising effores that engage your Board members, leverage and grow your networks and use free and low-cost solutions.  9am-12noon, at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center.  Click here to register.
    • 07/18/2024
      Callaway Fitting Demo Day. 1-5pm. 3000 Golf Course Rd. For more information call 715-682-8004.
    • 07/18/2024
      Chequamegon Humane Association invites you to a POP UP Puppy Playdate at 211 Martini from 5-8pm. 211 W Bayfield St, Washburn.
    • 07/18/2024
      Concert at Otis Park, 517 Main St W. Wes-Tone. 7pm. Free and open to the public. Questions email
    • 07/19/2024
      Northland College with Tamarack Health Summer Lecture Series at Forest Lodge—Intro to Embodied Ancestral Healing. 6-7pm. Join Eiko Mizushima, Aziza Bisanz, and Lila Sarene for an evening of embodied storytelling and practice about opening to and deepening how we listen to our ancestors and our ancestral inheritance. With our bodies and the land as guides, we will gather information from those who came before us about cultural wisdom, survival, relationship and pathways to accountability and repair, and how to begin to bring this healing into our lived experiences and relationships. We will offer ways to hold histories filled with grief and disconnection and invite inspiration about what might open us to healing and justice with and through our ancestral lines. This lecture is sponsored by Tamarack Health. $15 Register here. Forest Lodge Educational Campus 22230 Garmisch Road Cable.
    • 07/20/2024
      Mudrutters Off Road Mountain Bike Race.  Race start 10am.  Race start in the Salem Church parking lot at 400 Salem Drive.  3 race difficulties.  For more info go to
    • 07/20/2024
      A magical adventure awaits you at Tom’s Burned Down Cafe’s Art Fair. 11am-5pm. 274 Chebomnicon Bay Rd, La Pointe.
    • 07/20/2024
      ABC Raceway Kids Bike Races presented by Chicago Iron & Supplies: Raceway located at 2187 Butterworth Road. Stock car racing.  Regular season races on Saturday night. Hot Laps- 6:30pm. Racing-7pm. Grandstand opens at 5pm.  For more information, go to
    • 07/21/2024
      Copper Falls Pancakes in the Park 9am-1pm.  Come join us at Copper Falls State Park in Mellen!  Menu: Pancakes, sausage, bacon, fresh fruit, milk, coffee, tea, juice. $5 one pancake/sausage or bacon (kids portion). $8 two pancakes/sausage or bacon. $10 three pancakes/sausage or bacon. All proceeds go to the Trails of CFSP. 36764 Copper Falls Rd, Mellen.
    • 07/21/2024
      Adult/Junior Scramble Golf Tournament. 3000 Golf Course Rd. For more information call 715-682-8004.
    • 07/21/2024
      Ashland Encores! Ashland Rotary Presents FREE Concert at Mesang Bandshell, Hwy 2.  Beginning at 4pm with at Cakewalk fundraiser then Chequamegon Bay Jazz Collective will open for Michael Perry and the Longbeds. 5:30pm. All Funds raised will be contributed to the Ashland Splashpad Project. For more information go to or
    • 07/21/2024
      Copper Falls State Park : For those interested in the night sky, the park is expanding its “night-owl” programming, beginning with Universe in the Park skywatching with experts from the University of Madison-Wisconsin’s Astronomy Department. Their program offers a brief overview of some interesting astrological events and a chance to join the star gazing fun using their telescope (weather permitting). The program starts around sunset (tbd).
    • 07/22/2024
      Chequamegon Food Co-op: Cooking with Lars-Herb Sauces. 5-7pm. Learn how to make two delicious sauces packed with fresh flavors: Green Goddess Dressing and Chimichurri. The latter features parsley, oregano, garlic, and red wine vinegar. If you’ve never made chimichurri before, you might find your life changed after – it’s that good! $15. Register here. 700 Main Street West
    • 07/23/2024
      Cable Natural History Museum. Waterbug Ballet at Forest Lodge from 1-4pm. Learn about the amazing tiny creatures in lakes and rivers who provide us with important information about water quality…then connect to them through dance! Participants will spend time finding, observing, and learning about macroinvertebrates living along the shoreline of Lake Namakagon with the Superior Rivers Watershed Association. Using their observations and an introduction to ballet and creative movement, participants will work together to create a dance to share with their families at the end of class. Open to children ages 7-9. Children should bring their own life jacket. Ballet shoes are optional. Meet in the Great Hall of the Forest Lodge Educational Campus, 22230 Garmisch Rd, Cable. 1 – 4 p.m.  $12 per class. Click here to register. For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit .
    • 07/24/2024
      The Chequamegon Chapter of the North Country Trail Association invites you to join them on a series of hikes. Hike #2 Wren Falls/Gold Mine Hike. 9:30am. For more information Register by sending the hike # and your email address to Please check the NCTA Facebook page about cancelations or postponements.
    • 07/24/2024
      Summer Fun, Run, and Read at Ellis Park. Join the Vaughn Public Library for fun crafts, outdoor play, and storytime 10-11:30am.
    • 07/24/2024
      Northwoods Technical College invites new and continuing students to pop over from 11:30am-1:30pm to prepare for the upcoming Fall term. Whether you want to apply or need to complete your admissions process, register for classes, or need to finalize your financial aid paperwork we can help! Meet staff, learn about the services we provide or get a tour of the campus to prepare yourself for that first day. And because it’s a party we will have popcorn, prizes and lawn games. Come solo or bring the family! 2100 Beaser Ave.
    • 07/24/2024
      Copper Falls State Park: The park offers family friendly night hikes to learn about moon phases, dark skies, and nocturnal wildlife including some firefly fun along the meadow trail. 9pm.
    • 07/25/2024
      Concert at Otis Park, 517 Main St W. 7pm. Dave BeBeau.
    • 07/26/2024
      Tamarack Health Garden Tour at Ashland Medical Center. Join us from 10am-2pm on the Ashland Medical Center Campus in collaboration with our landscaper, Nature’s Designs to tour the various gardens on-site. The free group tours include visiting different garden stations, giveaways, gardening tips and more! We’ll also have some yummy snacks at the various tour stations for you to enjoy as you make your way through the tour, as well as a garden goodie bag with some fun gardening items courtesy of Ashland Medical Center and Nature’s Designs. For more information click here!
    • 07/26-28/2024
      Washburn Brownstone Block Party. Events all day. For more information call 715-373-5017.
    • 7/27/2024
      Postponed – date TBD – Chequamegon Vets Brat Fry at Taste of Wisconsin, 420 Lake Shore Dr West, 9:30am-4pm.  Monies raised will be split between The BRICK, the New Day Advocacy Center and the Ashland Pregnancy Center.  Questions call 715-209-6360.
    • 07/27/2024
      The Bayview History Committee presents: Open House at the Houghton Depot. 10am-12Noon. Bayview Park Road & Hwy 13 (halfway between Washburn & Bayfield). Looking to connect to the beauty and history of the Bayfield Peninsula? Bring the family to tour the Houghton Depot and step back in time. Have a picnic among the pines at the large shelter, walk the incredible sand beach and take a dip in the beautiful inland sea. Marvel at the coastal wetlands along the trail that connect to Friendly Valley Beach. Very clean privy facilities on site as well! For more information visit or check their facebook
    • 07/27/2024
      14th Annual North Coast Car Show, at The Washburn Inn, 130 Harbor View Dr., Washburn. Registration from 9am-12 noon. Live music. For more information and registration, call, 715-373-2030 or
    • 07/27/2024
      Copper Falls State Park annual membership meeting and Membership Potluck Picnic. 4-6pm. The Friends of Copper Falls State Park is hosting an opportunity to get involved, hear success stories, support park projects, and/or join them in their mission supporting park staff, projects, and nature-based activities.
    • 07/27/2024
      Cable Natural History Museum. Join us for a Nautical Night to benefit the Cable Natural History Museum. 5-9pm at the Derksen Family Great Hall American Berkebeiner Trailhead. 14876 McNaught Rd., Cable. Silent auction, appetizers, & drinks 5pm. Dinner served at 6pm with dancing to follow. Inspired cuisine by Lakewoods Resort with special desserts by Cindy Gidley. Registration opening soon!  For ticket information click here.
    • 07/27/2024
      ABC Raceway Hall of Fame Night presented by Zar’s Bar & Banquet Hall: Raceway located at 2187 Butterworth Road. Stock car racing.  Regular season races on Saturday night. Hot Laps- 6:30pm. Racing-7pm. Grandstand opens at 5pm.  For more information, go to
    • 07/28/2024
      Burgers, Blues and Brews. Burgers start at 4 until sold out.  Bring a friend and a chair and join us! Live music at the Delta Diners Tap Shack,14385 Cty Hwy H, Delta. 4:30-7pm The Last Highway Blues Band.


  • 07/28-8/1/2024
    Northwest Wisconsin CEP presents: Rescue Divas 2024! Held at Northland College, Ashland. Rescue Divas is a fun, hands on five day residential summer camp designed to expose girls to Emergency Medical Services careers. Our exciting activities will help girls grow confidence and become stronger leaders, even during times of high stress. This special opportunity is open to 20 girls currently in 6th, 7th & 8th grades residing in Northwest Wisconsin – primarily Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, Taylor and Washburn counties. Applications can be downloaded at Applications are accepted until Friday, May 31st, 2024. Selected girls will be notified by mail early June. If you have questions, please email or call Mary at 715-979-5122.
  • 07/29-30/2024
    Cable Natural History Museum. Mysterious Moths (Master Naturalist Advanced Training) Join Kyle Johnson, Minnesota Biological Survey (MBS) Entomologist, for an overnight program to learn about the mysterious world of moths! We’ll explore moth diversity, ecology, and conservation, as well as strange encounters and current research. Meet at 1:00 p.m. Monday at the Forest Lodge Estate. All meals are included. You don’t have to be a certified Master Naturalist to participate! Any adult learners are welcome. Space is limited. Register by July 19. Registration is $180 with lodging at the historic Gatehouse, and $140 for commuters. Register here. For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit  22230 Garmisch Road, Cable.
  • 07/31/2024
    Join Landmark Conservancy for monthly Tyler Forks trail work day to install two welcome signs, place benches along trails, and perform basic trail maintenance! Wear work clothes and gloves appropriate for the weather and sturdy hiking or work boots. Bring a lunch if you’re able to spend the full day! We will supply some tools but feel free to bring your favorite trail tools. We will have water and some snacks on site as well! We look forward to seeing you out there for a great workday! Learn more and register here: Volunteers should meet us at the main parking area at 10 am, 37475 Highway 169 in Mellen, WI.
  • 07/31/2024
    Summer Fun, Run, and Read at Bay View Park. Join the Vaughn Public Library for fun crafts, outdoor play, and storytime 10-11:30am.



