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August 2025 Events listed below:

  • 08/01-03/2025
    72nd Annual Flambeau-Rama. Park Falls. Visit for more info.
  • 08/01/2025
    Wisconsin Parkinson Association: Chequamegon Bay Area Parkinson’s Support Group. You are not alone. Our meetings are 1pm the first Friday of each month at the Ashland Enrichment Center, 715-682-2776, 400 Chapple Ave. The Bay Area Parkinson’ s Support Group was created to provide encouragement and education for people living with Parkinson’s and their caregivers in the Ashland and Bayfield County area. Questions can be directed to Reggie Holmes:
  • 08/02/2025
    Point to LaPointe Swim to Madeline Island. 7am-12pm. For more information call 715-779-5408 or email Race information can be found here
  • 08/4-10/2025
    The Chequamegon Theatre Association annual theatre camp will again feature Missoula Children’s Theatre for a week-long camp ending with performances. For more information visit
  • 08/07-10/2025
    Bayfield County Fair, North Main St., Iron River. Join us in Iron River for 4 days of family fun. Come see all the animals and exhibits, family entertainment, carnival, monster trucks, and of course the food! For more information, registration, or fees, call 715-373-6125 ext. 7, or visit
  • 08/09/2025
    Cornucopia Day. Fun starts at 8am.  A family festival that includes kids activities, flea market, Brats and beer for sale, fish on a stick, parade and more. All proceeds benefit local rescue and  fire teams. For more information go to Corny Days.
  • 08/11-14/2025
    Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute Northland College Youth Programs Summer Adventures present Girls Empowered Trails: Mt. Ashwabay girls age 10-13. Stewardship, recreation, and base camping. For more information visit or call 715-682-1823.
  • 08/14-17/2025
    Ashland County Fair, County Fairgrounds, Marengo. Midway rides, races, horse show, truck pull, music, and much more. For more information, call 715-682-3742 or after 5pm and weekends 715-682-0395 or visit
  • 08/19/2025
    Science on Tap at The Alley at 6:30pm! 806 Main St W.
  • 08/21-23/2025
    White River Ag Products Presents: Concert in the Corn 2025!
  • 08/21/2025
    Ashland Chambers Field Day Golf Outing. Chequamegon Bay Golf Club.
  • 08/26/2025
    NWCC of Tamarack Health in collaboration with Essentia Health hosts Courageous Connections, a Cancer Support Group at Tamarack Health Ashland Medical Center, 1615 Maple Lane in the Stockton Island meeting room on the ground floor near the coffee shop. 11am-12pm. There are virtual options available as well. We provide a safe and welcoming space to allow for sharing patients’ and caregivers’ experiences. We also provide guest speakers on cancer and caregiving-related topics such as: fear of recurrence, emotional impacts of cancer, finding hope and much more! For adults diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, and loved ones impacted by cancer. Please RSVP in advance by calling Laura Martinsen 715-685-5004.
  • 08/30-09/01/2025
    Glidden Community Fair, Marion Park, Glidden WI. Complete Schedule can be found Facebook.


August Monthly Happenings:

  • Saturdays, end of May through August: Stock Car Races at ABC Raceway, 2187 Butterworth Rd.  For more information, call 715-682-4237, or visit
  • Saturdays Mid-June through mid-October:  Ashland Area Farmer’s Market, 8am-12pm, on Chapple Ave, Ashland in front of Black Cat and Ashland Baking Company. Check them out on Facebook or visit
  • Guided Mural Trolley Tours -The 8-block Main Street Business District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is the background for a fascinating tour through Ashland’s history as seen through the eyes of Ashland’s mural artists Kelly Meredith and Susan Prentice Martinsen. Trolley Tours are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Pick-up Location in the parking lot of the Bay Area Civic Center, 320 4th Ave West. The tour will be approximately 75 minutes long. Tickets are purchased on the Trolley. Cost: $5.00 per person.  Children under 6 are FREE!  (Cash only accepted, you pay on the Trolley.) For more information on the Mural Trolley Tour please call the Ashland Chamber at 715-682-2500. Sponsored by Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce and BART. Tours run Fridays and Saturdays 10am & 1:30pm and Mondays 1:30pm. June 2nd through September 7th.
  • Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 9am-5pm
  • Bay City Cycles  …. 2024 Casual Group Ride. Check our Casual Group Ride at Bay City Cycles Facebook group for weekly updates.
  • Recreation and Fitness Resources –  Please see their website for more information – we will be updating regularly.
  • Vaughn Public Library –  Not just books anymore!! Temporary address 618 Beaser Ave.
  • Chequamegon Bay Golf Club:   Check our Facebook Page  If you have any questions, please contact the Pro Shop at 715-682-8004.
  • Follow the Mural Brick Road … in the county of the land of Ashland.  A fun scavenger hunt with the beautiful murals in Ashland County!
  • Lost Creek Adventures, 22475 Hwy. 13, Cornucopia. Click here for Classes! For more information, call 715-953-2223 or visit
  • Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church BINGO! Tuesday nights!  Doors open 5:30pm, Bingo starts at 6:30pm. Food and Beverages for sale. 201 Lake Shore Dr E Ashland. For more information go to 715-682-7620.
  • Washburn Cultural Center
  • Big Top Chautauqua Open Mic Night Year Round Wednesdays 6-9pm at The Backstage.


2024 Events

      • 07/29-08/02/2024
        Vaughn Library’s Art in the Park. Sign up required. For more information call 715-682-7060.
      • 08/01-03/2024
        Annual Lumberjack World Championships in Hayward, WI! International competition! Sawing, Chopping, Log rolling, Speed Climbing, Boom Running, and Axe Throwing.  Festival Grounds! Beer Garden! Food! Demonstrations! 3 days of fun! For a full schedule and ticket information visit
      • 08/01/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Loon Pontoon Tour on Lake Owen. Learn amazing facts about these ancient birds and the beautiful lakes where they live, while touring on a pontoon boat. A Museum naturalist will share stories about the facts and fantasies behind this Northwoods icon. Meet at the Cable Natural History Museum at 9am and return by noon. Registration required For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit . $38 member/$43 non-member. 13470 Co Hwy M, Cable.
      • 08/01/2024
        Copper Falls State Park invites you to explore the Naturalist Cabin. Noon-3pm. Our rocks “rock!” and some even glow in the dark. Share your phenology observations with the park’s naturalist & explore the cabin’s family friendly fun. Meet some furry friends who live in or near the park. Kids can earn an explorer patch or try the wildlife Olympics trivia quiz to win “Smokey the Bear” bling.
      • 08/01/2024
        Concert at Otis Park, 517 Main St. W. in Ashland, Golden Era Jazz. 7pm. Free and open to the public. Bring your own chair. Questions email
      • 08/01/2024
        Big Top Chautauqua presents Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder with Unclaimed Freight. 7:30pm. 32525 Ski Hill Rd, Bayfield. For tickets and more information visit
      • 08/02/-04/2024
        Chequamegon Children’s Theater presents Once Upon A Mattress at the Drummond High School Auditorium. Fri. & Sat. 7pm; Sun. 2pm. 52440 Eastern Ave, Drummond. For more information call 715-798-3248.
      • 08/02/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum Art of Natural Play. Drop in at the Wayside Wanderings Natural Play Area to join local artists to create make-and-take nature crafts. All ages welcome! Find us at 43135 Randysek Road in Cable. Fridays 10 am to noon. June 28 through August 9. Donations welcome. Call 715-798-3890 for more information.
      • 08/02/2024
        Namekagon Campground Talk. Join the Cable Natural History Museum and the U.S. Forest Service at the Namekagon Campground for a family friendly nature talk! Meet at 4 pm at the picnic shelter. Donations welcome. Call 715-798-3890 for more information. Fire Road 209, Namakagon.
      • 08/02/2024
        Marty’s Goldenaires preforming at the Ashland Bandshell at 6:30pm.  FREE! Sponsored by the Ashland Chamber, Ashland Elks, Chequamegon Vets and Ashland Sand & Gravel.
      • 08/03-04/2024
        Chequamegon Bay Golf Club Championship, 3000 Golf Course Rd. For more information call 715-682-8004.
      • 08/03/2024
        Annual Edward “Bud” Williams Kids’ Fishing Party – for ages 7-13 at Kreher Park sponsored by the North Wisconsin Rod & Gun Club, Ashland.  Registration the day of the party starting at 8am, fish must be registered by 11am.  Bring your own poles.  If needed poles and life preservers can be provided.  Free food, refreshments and prizes!.  Donations can be sent to NWRGC – Kids Fishing Party, P O Box 405, Ashland.  For more information call Linda Johnston 715-209-1538 or Whitney Kurilla 715-209-8513 or email
      • 08/03/2024
        Copper Falls State Park invites you to explore Loon Lake’s frogs and bogs, aquatic plants, and learn about park regulars like loons & beaver. Dress for weather, sunscreen & bug spray recommended, meet at the beach. Reserve kayaks or paddleboards by noon at the park office. Children must be accompanied by an adult for paddle(1pm). PFD’s are required for all paddlers.
      • 08/03/2024
        Mead Day Legacy Mead Tasting at White Winter Winery. Meadmaker Jon will guide you through 28 years of White Winter’s acclaimed meads, sharing the stories and expertise behind each vintage. This is your opportunity to experience the evolution of mead-making mastery and discover your new favorite legacy pour.  Secure your spot now to indulge in a truly unique and memorable tasting experience. 6-8pm. Only 25 guests. $65. Register now! 68323 Lea St, Iron River.
      • 08/03/2024
        ABC Raceway Backpack Night  sponsored by ABC Sportsman and the  Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce: Raceway located at 2187 Butterworth Road. Stock car racing.  Regular season races on Saturday night. Hot Laps- 6:30pm. Racing-7pm. Grandstand opens at 5pm.  For more information, go to
      • 08/03/2024
        Copper Falls State Park: The park offers family friendly night hikes to learn about moon phases, dark skies, and nocturnal wildlife including some firefly fun along the meadow trail. 9pm.
      • 08/04/2024
        Burgers, Blues and Brews. Burgers start at 4 until sold out.  Bring a friend and a chair and join us! Live music at the Delta Diners Tap Shack,14385 Cty Hwy H, Delta. 4:30-7pm Moss Creek.
      • 08/05-09/2024
        Trinity Lutheran Church will be hosting a Back to Bible Times Vacation Bible Study. Children of all ages are welcome to come and take a step back in time and see Jesus as a child, grow up and teach others how he would have to die for their sins and rise again on Easter. There will be crafts, music, experiments and bible lessons. 5-7:30pm. Free! Dinner is provided. 701 Vaughn Ave. For more information call 715-495-7338.
      • 08/06/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Junior Naturalist Program: Homey Habitats – 10am to noon. Find out what critters need to make a home. The Junior Naturalist programs offer environmental education for children in grades K – 6 through games, art, and outdoor exploration. Meet at the Wayside Wanderings Natural Play Area’s Wake Robin Pavilion, 43135 Randysek Road, Cable. $6 for members/$8 non-members per program. Scholarships are available. Register here. For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit .
      • 08/06/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Talon Talk Live Raptor Program. Meet the Cable Natural History Museum’s live education raptors in person! Learn all about the amazing world of birds of prey from Naturalist Haley Selen in the Museum’s classroom. 2-3pm. Please come early to find a seat. Donations welcome. For more information call 715-798-3890. 13470 Co Hwy M, Cable.
      • 08/06/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Wild Table: Dinner at Velo Café. Join a special dinner program at the Velo Café with Naturalist Mollie Kreb-Mertig. During the 4-6pm gathering, engage in interactive demos, try various samples, and enjoy a full meal, dessert, and beverages featuring locally harvested wild edible plants and fungi. Space is limited. Register by July 30. For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit . $40 member/$45 non-member. 13425 Co Hwy M, Cable.
      • 08/06/2024
        City of Ashland Police Department along with the Ashland County Sheriff’s Department & Ashland Fire Department would like to invite everyone who wants to promote community relationships to National Night Out 2024!  This is a Free Event for the Community to be held 5-7pm at the Bretting Center/Central Railyard Park, 400 4th Ave W.  Come meet Officers and First Responders – Kids Games – Food & Drinks – Vehicle Tours – Prizes – Face Painting – Scavenger Hunt & Much More!!. at the Bretting Community Center,400 4th Ave, Ashland. For more information visit or call APD 715-682-7062.
      • 08/07/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Junior Naturalist Program: Nature’s Recyclers – 10am to noon. Scavengers, composters, and you can all recycle to make the world a better place. The Junior Naturalist programs offer environmental education for children in grades K – 6 through games, art, and outdoor exploration. Meet at the Wayside Wanderings Natural Play Area’s Wake Robin Pavilion, 43135 Randysek Road, Cable. $6 for members/$8 non-members per program. Scholarships are available. Register here. For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit .
      • 08/07/2024
        Summer Fun, Run, and Read at Kreher Park. Join the Vaughn Public Library for fun crafts, outdoor play, and storytime 10-11:30am.
      • 08/07/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Forest Lodge Tour. Explore the historic Forest Lodge Estate with a Northland College tour guide. Hear stories of its cultural and natural history and learn about the exciting developments for this educational campus. Participants will be on their feet for 2.5 hours, walking less than a mile over uneven terrain, rain or shine. Meet your Northland College guide at the Forest Lodge Nature Trail parking lot. 9-11:30am. Registration required. For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit . Cost is $10 per person. 22230 Garmisch Road, Cable.
      • 08/07/2024
        Bayfield Summer Concerts at 5:30pm; Song stylist Jan Lee, Jazz fiddler Randy Sabien, pianist  David Oliver – a potpourri of Jazz, Classical and Music Theater. BSC’s most popular concert in 2023 returns for another knock-em-dead, show-stopper, full house extravaganza. Free will offerings  ($10 suggested) are gratefully received at the door. Bayfield Presbyterian Church. 306 Washington Ave, Bayfield. :
      • 08/08/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Loon Pontoon Tour on Lake Owen. Learn amazing facts about these ancient birds and the beautiful lakes where they live, while touring on a pontoon boat. A Museum naturalist will share stories about the facts and fantasies behind this Northwoods icon. Meet at the Cable Natural History Museum at 9am and return by noon. Registration required For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit  $38 member/$43 non-member. 13470 Co Hwy M, Cable.
      • 08/08/2024
        Indoor Movie Thursday: Goonies at the Vaughn Public Library. 1-3pm  Garland Room 2nd Floor. Enjoy Free popcorn provided by Ashland Bay Cinema! Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. 502 Main St W. For more information call 715-682-7060.
      • 08/08/2024
        Concert at H Pearson Plaza, 610 Lake Shore Dr. W. in Ashland, Sean & Ian Okamoto. 7pm. Free and open to the public. Bring your own chair. Questions email
      • 08/09-11/2024
        Cable Hayward Area Arts Council will be hosting an Art Crawl. Diner will be stop #27 along the way. 14385 Co Hwy H, Mason.
      • 08/09/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum Art of Natural Play. Drop in at the Wayside Wanderings Natural Play Area to join local artists to create make-and-take nature crafts. All ages welcome! Find us at 43135 Randysek Road in Cable. Fridays 10am to noon. June 28 through August 9. Donations welcome. Call 715-798-3890 for more information.
      • 08/09/2024
        Vaughn Public Library and Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center present Adventure Day. 11am-1pm. Ride the Bart Bus Trolley to NGLVC for an indoor/outdoor scavenger hunt. For more information or to sign up call 715-682-7060. 502 Main St. W.
      • 08/09/2024
        Northland College with Seeds of Wellbeing, Spinster Books and Apostle Island Booksellers present: Summer Lecture Series at Forest Lodge—A Conversation with Dr. Wendy Makoons Geniusz Makoons is the author of Our Knowledge is Not Primitive: Decolonizing Botanical Anishinaabe Teachings (hardcover 2009, paperback 2023) and the editor of Plants Have So Much to Give Us, All We Have to Do is Ask (2015, written by her mother Mary Siisip Geniusz). Her mother’s Cree and Métis family comes from the Pas in Manitoba. Makoons was raised with Ojibwe language and culture to honor her Ojibwe namesake, Keewaydinoquay. Since childhood, Makoons has worked on Ojibwe language and culture revitalization projects in Indigenous communities throughout the Great Lakes region. All her publications and research focus on creating decolonization tools for Indigenous language and culture revitalization. 6-7 pm. $28 Register here. Forest Lodge Educational Campus, 22230 Garmisch Road, Cable, This lecture is sponsored by Seeds of Wellbeing, Spinster Books, and Apostle Island Booksellers. Savanna Basina, Red Cliff Indigenous arts and science coordinator, will be partnering with Britton Doolittle of Chequamegon Books to lead a study of Dr. Wendy Makoons Geniusz’s books in the weeks leading up to this lecture in August.
      • 08/09/2024
        The Alley presents Back to the Eighties with JD Bass.   8-11pm.  Prizes for teh Best Dressed
      • 08/10/2024
        American Legion & Scholarship Tournament at Chequamegon Bay Club. This 4-person scramble will benefit not only the 2024 Veterans celebration at Ashland High School, but also the Post’s annual education scholarships.  3000 Golf Course Rd. For more information call 715-682-8004.
      • 08/10/2024
        Copper Falls State Park: Yoga in the park! 9-10am. Enjoy a relaxing yoga session on the shores of Loon Lake. Join yoga instructor Lori Hall for an hour of yoga stretches that increase your flexibility, balance,, strength, energy and breath. The beautiful landscape of Copper Falls State Park adds to this whole body experience. Park admissions sticker is required. Meet at the Loon Lake Beach. 36764 Copper Falls Rd, Mellen.
      • 08/10/2024
        White River Fishery Area Tree Planting+Project Tour. 9am. Off Rocky Run Rd. For more information click here.
      • 08/10/2024
        Northern Great Lakes Vistor’s Center invites you to Celebrate Smokey Bear’s 80th Birthday! 10am. Meet Smokey Bear, check out a DNR fire control truck, and enjoy family-fun activities. Raffle, prizes and free birthday cake included, while supplies last. 29270 Co Hwy G.
      • 08/10/2024
        The Bayview History Committee presents: Open House at the Houghton Depot. 10am-12Noon. Bayview Park Road & Hwy 13 (halfway between Washburn & Bayfield). Looking to connect to the beauty and history of the Bayfield Peninsula? Bring the family to tour the Houghton Depot and step back in time. Have a picnic among the pines at the large shelter, walk the incredible sand beach and take a dip in the beautiful inland sea. Marvel at the coastal wetlands along the trail that connect to Friendly Valley Beach. Very clean privy facilities on site as well! For more information visit or check their facebook
      • 08/10/2024
        Butternut Pig & Corn Roast at Gateway Resort, Butternut.  Food at 3-7pm.  Raffles to benefit the Turtle Flambeau Flowage.  For more information, call 715-769-3680 or visit
      • 08/10/2024
        ABC Raceway The 444 presented by Ashland Ford Chrysler featuring $20,000 to Win Lake Models. Raceway located at 2187 Butterworth Road. Stock car racing.  Regular season races on Saturday night. Hot Laps- 6:30pm. Racing-7pm. Grandstand opens at 5pm.  For more information, go to
      • 08/11/2024
        Annual Veterans Family Picnic from 11am-3pm at Northwest Rod & Gun Club on Reykdal Rd, Ashland 2nd Landing. All veterans & families invited.  Fun, food and entertainment by JD Bass!  FREE Lunch starting at 12noon.  For more information, call 715-209-2590.
      • 08/11/2024
        Burgers, Blues and Brews. Burgers start at 4 until sold out.  Bring a friend and a chair and join us! Live music at the Delta Diners Tap Shack,14385 Cty Hwy H, Delta. 4:30-7pm Bentley and the Deal.
      • 08/12/2024
        Northwood Technical College presents: Express Mondays. 3-6pm. Ashland Campus, 2100 Beaser Ave.  Visit Ashland Student Services to learn about different programs, get a tour of campus, apply, get admitted or even register for fall classes. Student Services at Northwood Tech’s Ashland campus will have evening hours the second Monday of each month throughout the summer. Stop in to see how we can help you take the next step!
      •  08/12-15/2024
        Lost Creek Adventures presents: Yoga & Meditation Retreat – 4 day kayak camping. This is a rare opportunity to join Yoga & Meditation instructor Jodi Supanich, Director of the Washburn Meditation Center for this expedition focusing on connection, introspection, and exploration. Each day Jodi will facilitate yoga & meditation practice while our guides teach you how to connect to the water via sea kayak and serve up gourmet camping meals. Learn More
      • 08/14/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Forest Lodge Tour. Explore the historic Forest Lodge Estate with a Northland College tour guide. Hear stories of its cultural and natural history and learn about the exciting developments for this educational campus. Participants will be on their feet for 2.5 hours, walking less than a mile over uneven terrain, rain or shine. Meet your Northland College guide at the Forest Lodge Nature Trail parking lot. 9-11:30am. Registration required. For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit . Cost is $10 per person. 22230 Garmisch Road, Cable.
      • 08/14/2024
        The Chequamegon Chapter of the North Country Trail Association invites you to join them on a series of hikes. Hike #3 Canthook Trail Reroute Hike. 9:30am. For more information Register by sending the hike # and your email address to Please check the NCTA Facebook page about cancelations or postponements.
      • 08/14/2024
        Summer Fun, Run, and Read at Maslowski Beach. Join the Vaughn Public Library for fun crafts, outdoor play, and storytime 10-11:30am.
      • 08/14/2024
        Bayfield Summer Concerts;  The Boat Note Five. 5:30pm. This Twin Cities based traditional jazz band gives a tribute to Louis Armstrong and the early days of Creole born NOLA Jazz, narrated and  led by Twin Cities Jazz expert and clarinetist Tony Balluff. Free will offerings  ($10 suggested) are gratefully received at the door. Bayfield Presbyterian Church. 306 Washington Ave, Bayfield.
      • 08/14/2024
        Vaughn Public Library presents Harry Potter Trivia Night. 6pm. 502 Main St. W. For more information call 715-682-7060.
      • 08/15/2024
        Ashland Chamber Field Day Golf Tournament.  Chequamegon Bay Golf Club. For more information or to register, call the Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce at 715-682-2500.  Click here for a registration form.
      • 08/15/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Loon Pontoon Tour on Lake Owen. Learn amazing facts about these ancient birds and the beautiful lakes where they live, while touring on a pontoon boat. A Museum naturalist will share stories about the facts and fantasies behind this Northwoods icon. Meet at the Cable Natural History Museum at 9am and return by noon. Registration required For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit  $38 member/$43 non-member. 13470 Co Hwy M, Cable.
      • 08/15/2024
        Vaughn Public Library Family Night Fort Building. 6-7pm. Make a lantern, animal scavenger hunt, camp themed sensory bins, and fort building in the stacks. 502 Main St. W. For more information call 715-682-7060.
      • 08/15/2024
        Concert at Mesang Bandshell, Hwy 2 in Ashland, The Champagne Glitter Train. 7pm. Free and open to the public. Questions email
      • 08/16-28/2024
        Wolf Ecology and Conservation – certification Weekend. Calling all wolf enthusiasts and nature lovers! Join the Timber Wolf Alliance this summer to learn about the wolves of Wisconsin! Participants will learn about wolf ecology, wolf monitoring techniques, and the latest wolf issues from biologists and educators immersed in this field. Participants will also assist with wolf howling surveys and learn techniques in wolf tracking and radio telemetry. Space is Limited and registration is required. Event will be held at Forest Lodge. 22230 Garmisch Road, Cable. To learn more visit:
      • 08/16-18/2024
        Butternut Community Fair! At the Butternut Community Park, 532 W Michigan St.  Crafts, garden entries, baskets, meals, prizes, games, food and fun for the whole family! For more information, call 715-769-3550.
      • 08/16/2024
        Copper Falls State Park hosts Baaga’adowewin (Lacrosse) Bad River Youth 10am at the ball field. Whether you are new to Lacrosse or a fan, come watch and enjoy Bay River youth playing a game. Lacrosse (baaga’adowewin) has deep roots in Native American tribal traditions and culture. The game was an integral part of tribal life. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy a fast-moving game. Well-behaved pets are permitted at this site. (This event is weather dependent.) Park admission sticker or tribal ID required.
      • 08/16-17/2024
        Gun and Knife Show at the Bay Area Civic Center, 320 4th Ave. W. Friday starting at 5pm. Guns on display and for sale. For more information Click here or call 715-682-2221.
      • 08/17/2024
        Ashland Monday Club is hosting their 2nd Annual End of Summer Garage Sale. 8am-1pm. Corner of Ellis Avenue & US 2, Ashland.
      • 08/17/2024
        Ashland County Fair 2024 Antique Tractor &Truck Pull, County Fairgrounds, Marengo. Registration 10-11:30am. Event starts 12Noon. For more information, call 715-413-0247 or visit
      • 08/17/2024
        Chequamegon Archery Club Annual Festival & Family Picnic. 3501 McDonald Rd, Ashland. Open to the public.  3D course open at 10am until 6pm.  Featured games – Easton Balloon pop, 3D Safari, Turkey Shoot, Balloon Windmill Bust, slingshot Clays.  Festival starts at 3pm with drawings starting at 7pm.  $15 single /$30 for family of 4.  Includes Admission and picnic style dinner with pop or beer. Click here for more info or call 715-816-4476.
      • 08/17/2024
        Chequamegon Food Co-op: Foraging Walk. 9-11am. Alex Peterman will help participants to learn to identify, harvest, and eat a variety of wild plants in a safe and sustainable (and fun!) way. This class will take place outdoors and on the move. Click here to register. 700 Main St. W.
      • 08/17/2024
        The Bayview History Committee presents: Open House at the Houghton Depot. 10am-12Noon. Bayview Park Road & Hwy 13 (halfway between Washburn & Bayfield). Looking to connect to the beauty and history of the Bayfield Peninsula? Bring the family to tour the Houghton Depot and step back in time. Have a picnic among the pines at the large shelter, walk the incredible sand beach and take a dip in the beautiful inland sea. Marvel at the coastal wetlands along the trail that connect to Friendly Valley Beach. Very clean privy facilities on site as well! For more information visit or check their facebook
      • 08/17/2024
        Ashland County Fair Idol, County Fairgrounds, Marengo. Are you Ashland County’s next top idol? Kids Idol 2pm. Adults Idol 4pm. For more information, call 715-682-3742 or after 5pm and weekends 715-682-0395 or visit
      •  08/17/2024
        Summer Party at Pine Point in Iron River. Come out 5-9pm for raffles, Food and listen to live music. 10775 Pine Point Rd, Iron River.
      • 08/17/2024
        ABC Raceway Mt. Dew Championship Saturday: Raceway located at 2187 Butterworth Road. Stock car racing.  Regular season races on Saturday night. Hot Laps- 6:30pm. Racing-7pm. Grandstand opens at 5pm.  For more information, go to
      • 08/17/2024
        Copper Falls State Park. Music in the Park. 6-8pm. For a fourth year, the fun-loving PEACE COMMUNITY CHOIR returns to Copper Falls State Park. Directed by Rev. Don Quigley and accompanied by Rich Warren on guitar, the choir will sing a mix of old favorites. A park admission sticker is required to enter the park.Concert goers are encouraged to bring a portable chair and a picnic lunch for an enjoyable evening in the park. Concerts are free to park visitors and are held at the historic log pavilion. 36764 Copper Falls Rd, Mellen.
      • 08/17/2024
        Big Top Chautauqua presents Graham Nash-More Evenings of Songs & Stories. 7:30pm. 32525 Ski Hill Rd, Bayfield. For tickets and more information visit
      • 08/18/2024
        Copper Falls Pancakes in the Park 8:30am-12Noon.  Come join us at Copper Falls State Park in Mellen!  Menu: Pancakes, sausage, bacon, fresh fruit, milk, coffee, tea, juice. $5 one pancake/sausage or bacon (kids portion). $8 two pancakes/sausage or bacon. $10 three pancakes/sausage or bacon. All proceeds go to the Trails of CFSP.
      • 08/18/2024
        The Dirt Dash is back at the Ashland County Fair, County Fairgrounds, Marengo. Registration 9-11am. Event starts 12Noon. 100% pay back. For more information, call 715-682-3742 or after 5pm and weekends 715-682-0395 or visit
      • 08/18/2024
        Chequamegon Archery Club. Summer 3D League run 6 weeks. Shoot weekly Sunday or Monday. $5/week or $50 for both sessions-Adults, $3/week or $30 for both sessions- Juniors. Another session begins August 18th.  3501 McDonald Rd. For more information call 715-816-4476 or visit
      • 08/18/2024
        Burgers, Blues and Brews. Burgers start at 4 until sold out.  Bring a friend and a chair and join us! Live music at the Delta Diners Tap Shack,14385 Cty Hwy H, Delta. 4:30-7pm Jordan Grunow.
      • 08/20/2024
        Ashland High School Girls Varsity Tennis Match vs. Osceola 11am at Ashland Highschool Tennis Courts. 1900 Beaser Ave.
      • 08/20/2024
        Associated Bank & Crossroads Outreach invite you to a special event, Bank at Work: Financial Education: Budgeting, Credit Score and more. 6pm @ Crossroads Outreach, 3600 Ellis Ave. S.
      • 08/21/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Fern Ecology and Identification (Master Naturalist Advanced Training) Ferns are beautiful, unique, and often confusing members of our natural landscapes. U.S. Forest Service botanist Steven Spickerman will lead the group in identifying ferns using dichotomous keys and distinctive characters. Meet at 9am (location TBD) and finish by noon. Dress for the weather and bugs, and be prepared for some off-trail hiking. Bring snacks and water. You don’t have to be a certified Master Naturalist to participate! Any adult learners are welcome. Register by August 16. For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit  Suggested donation of $15 member/$20 non-member.
      • 08/21/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Forest Lodge Tour. Explore the historic Forest Lodge Estate with a Northland College tour guide. Hear stories of its cultural and natural history and learn about the exciting developments for this educational campus. Participants will be on their feet for 2.5 hours, walking less than a mile over uneven terrain, rain or shine. Meet your Northland College guide at the Forest Lodge Nature Trail parking lot. 9-11:30am. Registration required. For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit . Cost is $10 per person. 22230 Garmisch Road, Cable.
      • 08/21/2024
        Bayfield Summer Concerts; Maria Jette and Dan Chouinard. 5:30pm.  These perennial BSC favorites and Prairie Home  artists and personalities bring us more Classics and Art song for soprano and piano from the American and British repertoire. They are sure to please. Free will offerings  ($10 suggested) are gratefully received at the door. Bayfield Presbyterian Church. 306 Washington Ave, Bayfield.
      • 08/22/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Loon Pontoon Tour on Lake Owen. Learn amazing facts about these ancient birds and the beautiful lakes where they live, while touring on a pontoon boat. A Museum naturalist will share stories about the facts and fantasies behind this Northwoods icon. Meet at the Cable Natural History Museum at 9am and return by noon. Registration required For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit  $38 member/$43 non-member. 13470 Co Hwy M, Cable.
      • 08/22/2024
        Chequamegon Food Co-op: Cooking with Lars – Fish Cakes. 5-7pm. Learn what makes fish cakes so scrumptious! Packed with vibrant fresh herbs, local Lake Superior fish, and Lars’ refreshing expertise. 700 Main St. W. Click here to register.
      • 08/22/2024
        Ashland High School Football C vs. Rhinelander at 6pm at Ashland Middle School – Weikal Field. 1104 3rd Ave. E.
      • 08/22/2024
        White Winter Winery: Northern Lights Paint Event! Create the magic of the northern lights! Choose from 4 designs: Wisconsin, Bear, Wolf, Lake Superior! $48 each Drinks available for purchase. 6-8pm. Register. 68323 Lea St, Iron River.
      • 08/22/2024
        Concert at Mesang Bandshell, Hwy 2 in Ashland, Acoustic Relapse. 7pm. Free and open to the public. Questions email
      • 08/22/2024
        Northland College and The Loon Saloon present: Summer Lecture Series at Forest Lodge—Canopy Curiosity: Lessons Learned from Ten Years in the Canopy Tree canopies currently represent a “new” frontier in ecology. Associate professors Jon Martin and Erik Olson of Northland College will present the lessons they have learned over ten years spent studying the canopy of old, large white pines in northern Wisconsin and how their shared curiosity and partnership has led to many new scientific discoveries. From rope to live traps and from floods to squirrel problems—the trials and tribulations of working in the canopy will be shared through photos, videos, graphs, and stories—this lecture is sure to entertain. This lecture is sponsored by The Loon Saloon. 7-8pm. $12 Register here. Forest Lodge Educational Campus 22230 Garmisch Road, Cable.
      • 08/23-25/2024
        Bad River 42nd Annual Manomin Celebration Pow Wow  at the Pow Wow Grounds. Manomin or, wild rice, is an integral part of Ojibwe history and the Bad River Tribe celebrates the growth and harvest of this natural staple with traditional dancing, singing, canoe races, marathons, and plenty of food. For more information, call 715-682-7111 or visit their facebook page here.
      • 08/23/2024
        Copper Falls State Park. Music in the Park. 6-8pm. Bluegrass Duo Danny and Erin 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Danny Frank and Erin Aldridge (one half of Danny Frank & The Smoky Gold) combines soulful vocals with rich harmonies and virtuosic instrumentalism, into a genre-blending Americana sound that is captivating and invigorating. Performing both originals and unique covers, Danny and Erin are sure to get your toe tapping! Penokee Sundaes ($5) will be sold at this event! Meet at the park pavilion. 36764 Copper Falls Rd, Mellen.
      • 08/24/2024
        Chequamegon Food Co-op: Farm Tours Saturday! See a sunflower farm with cows and goats, then a farm and restaurant with their own meats smoked right in back. We’re visiting farms near Mellen and Butternut, meetup at the Co-op or Mellen. Click here or call 715-682-8251 to sign up. 700 Main St W.
      • 08/24/2024
        The Bayview History Committee presents: Open House at the Houghton Depot. 10am-12Noon. Bayview Park Road & Hwy 13 (halfway between Washburn & Bayfield). Looking to connect to the beauty and history of the Bayfield Peninsula? Bring the family to tour the Houghton Depot and step back in time. Have a picnic among the pines at the large shelter, walk the incredible sand beach and take a dip in the beautiful inland sea. Marvel at the coastal wetlands along the trail that connect to Friendly Valley Beach. Very clean privy facilities on site as well! For more information visit or check their facebook
      • 08/24/2024
        The Chequamegon Archery Club will be holding an Open House and Intro to Archery event. 11am-2pm. All equipment is provided. 3501 Mc Donald Rd.
      • 08/24/2024
        Ashland First Assembly and C3 Church are hosting ta Summer Send Off!  4pm-7pm. A free event for the community that will be held at Ashland First Assembly, 315 10th St. W., with Food, Bounce House, Raffle, Face Paint, Yard Games and more!  All ages welcomed.
      • 08/24/2024
        Delta Diner’s Tapshack presents Floydian Slip’s Reggae Revue. 4:30pm. 14385 Co Hwy H, Mason.
      • 08/25/2024
        Burgers, Blues and Brews. Burgers start at 4 until sold out.  Bring a friend and a chair and join us! Live music at the Delta Diners Tap Shack,14385 Cty Hwy H, Delta. 4:30-7pm Moss Creek.
      •  08/26-29/2024
        Lost Creek Adventures presents: Yoga & Meditation Retreat – 4 day kayak camping. This is a rare opportunity to join Yoga & Meditation instructor Jodi Supanich, Director of the Washburn Meditation Center for this expedition focusing on connection, introspection, and exploration. Each day Jodi will facilitate yoga & meditation practice while our guides teach you how to connect to the water via sea kayak and serve up gourmet camping meals. Learn More
      • 08/26/2024
        Ashland High School Girls Varsity Golf Match vs. multiple schools 9am at Chequamegon Bay Golf Club. 3000 Golf Course Rd.
      • 08/26/2024
        Ashland High School JV Football Game vs. Rhinelander 5pm at Weikal Field. 1104 3rd Ave E.
      • 08/28/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Forest Lodge Tour. Explore the historic Forest Lodge Estate with a Northland College tour guide. Hear stories of its cultural and natural history and learn about the exciting developments for this educational campus. Participants will be on their feet for 2.5 hours, walking less than a mile over uneven terrain, rain or shine. Meet your Northland College guide at the Forest Lodge Nature Trail parking lot. 9-11:30am. Registration required. For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit . Cost is $10 per person. 22230 Garmisch Road, Cable.
      • 08/28/2024
        The Chequamegon Chapter of the North Country Trail Association invites you to join them on a series of hikes. Hike #4 Porcupine Lake Wilderness Hike. 10am. For more information Register by sending the hike # and your email address to Please check the NCTA Facebook page about cancelations or postponements.
      • 08/28/2024
        Cable Natural History Museum. Drawing at the Pavilion: A Close Look at Leaves. After a brief presentation about leaves by a Museum Naturalist, professional artist Diana Randolph will instruct and demonstrate drawing leaves using waterproof pen & ink, watercolor pencils, and a watercolor wash. We’ll explore the art elements of line, shading, and color. The instructor will show examples of several ideas/projects. Microscopic images of leaves will be provided to work from, or bring your own leaves to observe up close. Meet at the Wayside Wanderings Natural Play Area’s Wake Robin Pavilion, 43135 Randysek Road in Cable, at 11am and finish by 4pm. Bring your lunch and favorite drawing materials or use some materials the instructor provides. Space is limited. Register by August 21. For more information call the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or visit  $45 member/$50 non-member.
      • 08/28/2024
        Bayfield Summer Concerts; Julia and Irina Elkina. 5:30pm. The popular Russian-born identical twins return to play classical piano repertoire for four hands. Having played together since the age of five, they are praised for their “truly remarkable oneness” by critics who also recognize that “each is a formidable pianist in her own right.”They’ll perform classical selections from  Beethoven, Schubert and Bizet, and some contemporary compositions by Myroslav Skoryk and Valery Gavrilin. Free will offerings  ($10 suggested) are gratefully received at the door. Bayfield Presbyterian Church. 306 Washington Ave, Bayfield.
      • 08/28/2024
        Join Landmark Conservancy for monthly Tyler Forks trail work day. 10am-3pm. This event is scheduled monthly the last Wed. of the month from April-October  Help us maintain and improve our network of hiking trails on this 590 acre forested preserve.  Meet at Tyler Forks Community Forest, 37475 WI-169, Mellen.  Free registration is required. Visit Tyler Forks Monthly Workday – Landmark Conservancy (
      • 08/29/2024
        North Wisconsin Rod & Gun Club Veterans Fishing Party. 7am-3pm at Kreher Park. Fishing 7am-12pm. Fresh Fish Fry 12pm-3pm. Deep fried fish, fresh salads, desserts and drinks. Fish provided by Hoop’s Fisheries. Veterans sign-up to fish. Captains sign-up a boat. For more information call Erik Pero 715-209-3715.
      • 08/29/2024
        Salem Church of Ashland presents Keepers of the Faith concert. 6:30pm. No charge. A Free-will offering with be taken. Contact 715-413-0068 with questions. 400 Salem Dr.
      • 08/29/2024
        Concert at Plaza Park, Baba Fats. 7pm. Free and open to the public. Questions email
      • 08/30/2024
        Glidden Labor Day Weekend Street Dance & Brat Feed.  Blocking off Grant Street so we can get down in G-town. Brat feed from 4- 8pm. Brett and the Little Big Show plays music from 4 – 8pm and Contradiction plays from 8pm-12Midnight.
      • 08/30-31/ 2024
        Butternut 13th Annual Gun Show at the Butternut Community Park. Friday 4-8pm and Saturday 8am-3pm.  For more information, call 715-769-3620.
      • 08/30/2024
        Black Cat Coffeehouse presents: Golden Era Jazz at 7pm. 211 Chapple Ave.
      • 08/31/2024
        Chequamegon Vets Brat Fry at Taste of Wisconsin, 601 Lake Shore Drive East, 9:30am-4pm.  Monies raised will be split between The BRICK, the New Day Advocacy Center and the Ashland Pregnancy Center.  Questions call 715-209-6360.

