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December 2025 Events listed below:

  • 12/04/2025
    L&M Fleet Supply Ladies Night Flyer. 1910 Lake Shore Dr E.
  • 12/05/2025
    Wisconsin Parkinson Association: Chequamegon Bay Area Parkinson’s Support Group. You are not alone. Our meetings are 1pm the first Friday of each month at the Ashland Enrichment Center, 715-682-2776, 400 Chapple Ave. The Bay Area Parkinson’ s Support Group was created to provide encouragement and education for people living with Parkinson’s and their caregivers in the Ashland and Bayfield County area. Questions can be directed to Reggie Holmes:
  • 12/06/2025
    Ashland retail merchants host “Customer Appreciation Day.” Shop local and get bargains all day!  Double points for Shop Small Win Big. 9am-5pm.
  • 12/06/2025
    Garland City of the North Christmas Parade at 4:30pm on Historic Main Street.  Click here for a registration form. Questions call 715-682-2500.
  • 12/16/2025
    Science on Tap at The Alley at 6:30pm! 806 Main St W.
  • 12/23/2025
    NWCC of Tamarack Health in collaboration with Essentia Health hosts Courageous Connections, a Cancer Support Group at Tamarack Health Ashland Medical Center, 1615 Maple Lane in the Stockton Island meeting room on the ground floor near the coffee shop. 11am-12pm. There are virtual options available as well. We provide a safe and welcoming space to allow for sharing patients’ and caregivers’ experiences. We also provide guest speakers on cancer and caregiving-related topics such as: fear of recurrence, emotional impacts of cancer, finding hope and much more! For adults diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, and loved ones impacted by cancer. Please RSVP in advance by calling Laura Martinsen 715-685-5004.


December Monthly Happenings:

  • Ashland High School Sports Schedule 
  • Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 9am-5pm.
  • Northland College Sports Schedule
  • Vaughn Public Library – It’s not just books anymore. Check out their website for a complete schedule of events and happenings for the whole family.
  • Find the perfect holiday tree in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. A fresh-cut, personally selected holiday tree from your National Forest adds to the holiday season. A cutting permit costs $5 per tree and can be purchased at any U.S. Forest Service District Ranger Station. Up to five permits can be sold per person. For more information, call 715-362-1354, email, or visit
  • Annual Ashland Firefighters’ Toy Drive.   Sign up: November 15- December 11.  To donate: Bring new, unwrapped toys to any drop-off site or to the Fire Station. Cash donations are accepted at the Fire Station, 215 East 6th St. To sign up children: Please call RSVP at 715-292-6400 Ex 1 or 2. They must be age newborn to 12 years and signed up by December 11th. The Ashland Firefighters Toy Drive is now a 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. Cash or check accepted. Please make checks payable to Ashland Firefighters Toy Drive. Donations accepted year-round. Toys will be distributed on December 17 from 10am-6pm at the Bretting Community Center, 400 W. 4th Ave. For more information or a list of drop-off sites, call 715-682-7052.
  • Christmas Cash Raffle presented by the Ashland Area Chamber. Drawings every day during the month of December, with special bonus drawings on Christmas Parade Day (Dec. 4), Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve Day! Call the Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce for details at  715-682-2500. Or you may purchase tickets at the Chamber office located at 1716 W. Lake Shore Drive, Ashland.
  • Open Skate at the Bay Area Civic Center Wednesdays  7:30-9pm.  $5 per skater.
  • Copper Falls: Wednesday Night Ski from 5-7 pm, TBD.  Join Friends at the trailhead near the park office for a casual ski of the Meadow Trail loop with local ski enthusiasts. Check ahead for weather and trail conditions. Remember to bring your headlamp because the trails are lit only by the stars and moonlight. Friends will provide treats and hot cocoa. For more information about the trail and conditions, go to
  • Big Top Chautauqua Open Mic Night Year Round Wednesdays 6-9pm at The Backstage.


2024 Events

  • 12/01/2024
    Ashland Youth Hockey: Battle By the Bay Tournament Series. 3 game guarantee – Trophies for first, second and consolation. Bay Area Civic Center. Mite/Mini Mite Jamboree. 320 Depot Dr.
  • 12/01/2024
    102nd Annual Community Christmas Concert, at 4pm at the Presbyterian Congregational Church, 214 Vaughn Ave, Ashland. Featuring music to usher in the Advent season by area churches, community choirs and area high school and college musicians. Free and open to the public.
  • 12/01-11/2024
    Annual Ashland Firefighters’ Toy Drive.   Sign up: November 15- December 11.  To donate: Bring new, unwrapped toys to any drop-off site or to the Fire Station. Cash donations are accepted at the Fire Station, 215 East 6th St. To sign up children: Please call RSVP at 715-292-6400 Ex 1 or 2. They must be age newborn to 12 years and signed up by December 11th. The Ashland Firefighters Toy Drive is now a 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. Cash or check accepted. Please make checks payable to Ashland Firefighters Toy Drive. Donations accepted year-round. Toys will be distributed on December 17 from 10am-6pm at the Bretting Community Center, 400 W. 4th Ave. For more information or a list of drop-off sites, call 715-682-7052.
  • 12/03/2024
    Please join The Deepwater Grille for Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement and is always the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. On that day, we will donate 10% of sales made from 5-9 p.m. to the local Toys for Tots program. 808 Main St. W.
  • 12/03/2024
    Cable Natural History Museum. Science at the Sawmill: Air, Land, Water, and Fire. Mike Wiggins, Jr., former chairman of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Ojibwe Tribe and interim site director of the Madeline Island Museum will speak about Anishinaabe heritage in the Chequamegon Bay and Penokee region. Join us at 6:30pm at the Sawmill Saloon. Arrive early to enjoy dinner and drinks! Pre-registration appreciated; drop-ins welcome. Register by calling the Cable Natural History Museum at 715-798-3890 or go to $10 member/$15 non-member. 13505 US-63, Hayward.
  • 12/04/2024
    Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Mellen is hosting a Harvest Festival Meal 11am-1pm. Everyone is welcome! Meatballs & Ham & all the trimmings. Takeout available. $12 a person. 203 North Main Street Mellen.
  • 12/04/2024
    Northwood Tech Alumni Association’s 34th annual Love Lights ceremony will be held IN PERSON at Northwood Technical College, on the Ashland campus at 6pm. Honor your loved ones—deceased, living, service members, and beloved pets—by sponsoring  a Love Light bulb that will adorn the evergreen tree near the main entrance of the Northwood Technical College – Ashland campus. This fundraiser and ceremony are sponsored by the Northwood Technical College – Ashland Alumni Association with all proceeds going to scholarships for Ashland students. Completed forms should be submitted by Friday Nov. 22nd. For more information call 715-682-4591.
  • 12/06/2024
    One on One Hair Designing is celebrating 40 years!!! on Friday, December 6 from 11am-3pm stop in for food, prizes and huge sales!!  Thank you Lynn for being a great asset to our Main Street!
  • 12/06/2024
    Brenda Eder’s Toys for Tots 2024.  Office Bar, 6pm.  Bring an unwrapped toy and come join us for a few and wear your favorite Christmas “outfit”. Please spread the word.
  • 12/06/2024
    Ashland High School Jazz Band Big Band Ball. 6:30-9pm at the AmericInn Convention Center, 3009 Lake Shore Dr E, Ashland. Join us for dinner and a show, dancing, plus a silent raffle. Featuring: The AHS Jazz Ensemble & Northland College “Communi-versity Jazz Band”. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at AHS or by contacting Jared Schrang at Funds raised go to AHS Band Department. For more info contact Jared Schrang at
  • 12/06/2024
    There’s plenty of fun happening at The Backstage. Trio Fantastico(Ed Willet, Scott Kirby, Yazmin) 7pm. $26 Bar open and food available. 84810 State Hwy 13, Bayfield. Click here for more information. 
  • 12/06/2024
    Chequamegon Area Choir presents the 52nd Annual Christmas Concerts, “Never Been a Night Like This”. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Concert starts 7:30pm. 311 13th Street W. For more information visit
  • 12/07/2024
    Don’t miss this years Holiday Bazaar at the Presbyterian Church, 214 Vaughn Ave, 9am-12 noon. Cookies, candy, crafts and much more!
  • 12/07/2024
    Butternut’s Christmas in the Village. 9am-4pm. Other festivities at the Park after.  The American Legion Auxiliary Meat and Basket Raffle and music with Twisted Wisker 4-7pm.
  • 12/07/2024
    The Northern Great Lakes Visitors Center invites you to a homemade holiday bazaar. 10am-2pm. You’ll find locally made gifts for everyone on your list. Artisan soaps, decorations for your home, holiday treats and so much more. Please note the vendor registration has filled. For questions, please contact Donna at 715-685-2659.
  • 12/07/2024
    Flourish’s Create a Christmas Porch Pot beginning at 10am. This class will be a $25 deposit to hold your space. The charge will depend on what you choose. I will have several porch pots to choose from. Large tins, plastic, metal buckets, ceramic. Or you can bring your own! Big selection of greens, twigs, decorative branches, pine cones, bows and glitz! You will have a time slot to choose from when you register. 1314 Lake Shore Drive, Suite 2.
  • 12/07/2024
    Christmas with the Consort.  An Afternoon of Harpsichord Quartets. The Club, 3 W. Bayfield St. Washburn. 3pm.
  • 12/07/2024
    The Landing 4th Annual Dinner with Santa! 3-9pm. Pictures with Santa & kids crafts while you dine. Call 715-682-6727 for reservations. 101 Lake Shore Dr. W.
  • 12/07/2024
    Mt. Ashwabay 3rd Annual Big Chill. 4-8pm. Join us for the third annual BIG CHILL Chili Cook-off! Bring your favorite chili and your family and stay for the fun! We may not have snow yet, but we just simply cannot wait to see our amazing community! Family Activities include Groomer Rides (weather permitting), Sugar Cookie decorating, Christmas Tree Lighting (bring your old ski passes!), S’mores around the fire + Mac n Cheese for the kids! Check us out on Facebook.
  • 12/07/2024
    The Chequamegon Food Coop will be giving away hot chocolate and chestnuts during the parade. 700 Main St. W.
  • 12/07/2024
    Holiday Tree Lighting. Mayor MacKenzie will light the Community Tree in Pearson Plaza at 5:45pm following the Ashland Chamber of Commerce Parade. Lots of other festivities will be happening as well! The Holiday Village  Event will take place between 3-7pm near City Hall at Pearson Plaza & Otis Park. Also, the Ashland Parks & Recreation team will be on hand with tree ornament making so you can create your own and place it on the Community Tree. Free hot chocolate and cookies will be available for everyone in attendance. New this year will be an Artison Vendors Holiday Night Market in Otis Park. Also, new this year will be local food trucks parked at City Hall. Santa will be at Pearson Plaza for pictures after the Parade at approximately 5pm. Music, lights, beer & hard cider along with lots of Community Cheer will all be there as well! Please bring unwrapped toy for the Ashland Fire Department Toy Drive.
  • 12/07/2024
    White Winter Winery presents A Dickens of a Christmas! Dinner from 6-10 pm. Jan Lee and Tom Mitchell, local actors, breathe life into their adaptation of Charles Dicken’s, A Christmas Carol. Guests enjoy a five course Victorian-style meal paired with White Winter Winery mead, ciders, and spirits. A Dickens of a Christmas is a fundraiser for the Iron River Library. Seating limited. Tickets on sale now.  For more information visit or call 715-372-5656. 68323A Lea St., Iron River, Wisconsin.
  • 12/07/2024
    Camp Benesi Christmas. Come join us as we bring in jouous Christmas season. Enjoy dinner, live music, tons of raffles and door prizes. Doors open at 5pm. Dinner at 6pm. Cash bar. Celebrating until 11pm. $30 a person. $50 a couple. Bohemian Hall 319 11th Ave. E. All proceeds benefit Camp Benesi a local non-profit that aids Veterans and Gold Star Families.
  • 12/07/2024
    Chequamegon Symphony Orchestra Concert, “Holiday Haromonies”. Northland College Alvord Theatre at 7:30pm. For more information go to 
  • 12/08/2024
    Kick off your holiday season with some nature fun at Copper Falls State Park. Join park naturalist Diane Daulton and friends group members as they make outdoor pinecone holiday decorations “for the birds”. Meet at the park’s new pavilion adjacent to the Naturalist Cabin rain or shine at 1:30 p.m. to join the fun crafting pinecone birdseed treats. Materials will be provided (as supplies last) and participants are encouraged to collect their own pinecones (the more, the merrier). After the craft activity, around 2:30 p.m. the park offers a guided family-friendly conifer I.D. hike, weather permitting, along the Doughboy’s Trail. Hikers can learn how to use a dichotomous key to identify different species of conifer trees and enjoy the park’s spectacular waterfalls along the way.
  • 12/08/2024
    Chequamegon Area Choir presents the 52nd Annual Christmas Concerts, “Never Been a Night Like This”. St Louis Catholic Church, Washburn. Concert starts 4pm. 707 Washington Ave, Washburn. For more information visit
  • 12/09/2024
    Winter Open House at Northwood Tech – Ashland Campus, 1-6pm.  Join us for a Winter Open House and get Northwood Tech info on your time with VIP service. Come and go as you please to get admissions and financial aid info, apply to the College, register for classes, explore careers with VR goggles, get a customized tour and more! Northwood Tech is here to help you every step of the way in your educational journey! Northwood Tech swag bags and holiday treats available to all who attend. Plus, register for a grand prize drawing. 2100 Beaser Ave. 
  • 12/11/2024
    Culvers will be hosting Santa in our store! 4-6pm. Come take pictures, share your wish list, and visit with your neighbors. 2101 Lake Shore Dr E.
  • 12/11/2024
    Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center. 6-8pm. WI DNR Informational Public Meeting. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will hold an informational public meeting to discuss the stocking success of brown trout and the future stocking plans in Lake Superior. More information on Lake Superior Fisheries Management can be found on the Lake Superior Webpage
  • 12/11/2024
    Holiday Bingo at the Sandbar. 6:30-7:30pm. Come B4 the game to get a seat and a bite to eat. We start at 6:30pm and play about 6 rounds followed by the final prize round. Holiday drink specials and holiday prizes featuring local businesses. 2521 Lake Shore Dr W.
  • 12/12-14/2024
    There’s plenty of fun happening at The Backstage. Blue Canvas Christmas 12&13 at 7pm; 14 at 2pm & 7pm. Join us for a magical holiday tradition. $26 . 84810 State Hwy 13, Bayfield. Click here for more information and tickets. 
  • 12/12/2024
    White Winter Winery: An Evening of Aromatherapy. 6:30-8:30pm. Before the holidays get in full swing, join us for a tranquil evening dedicated to the enchanting world of aromatherapy! In this hands-on workshop, you’ll discover the transformative power of essential oils and learn how to harness their benefits for your mind, body, and spirit. Together, we’ll explore the unique notes carried by various essential oils, from uplifting citrus to grounding woods, and how these aromas can influence our mood and well-being. You’ll gain insights into the art of blending, creating harmonious combinations that resonate with your personal intentions. Throughout the evening, you’ll create your own custom aroma spray and essential oil roll-ons, designed to enhance your daily rituals or provide a soothing escape whenever you need it. All materials will be provided, and you’ll leave with beautifully crafted products to share or keep for yourself. This informative and calming session is perfect for beginners and seasoned enthusiasts alike. Come unwind and let the power of scent elevate your spirit! Register. 68323 Lea Street Iron River.
  • 12/13/2024
    The Ashland Chamber Music Society has an exciting concert series for you to enjoy! The Handel’s “Messiah” Sing Along Concert at 7:30pm at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church. Free! Celebrate the 22nd anniversary of this annual event, where you can sing along to selections from Handel’s masterwork, Messiah, accompanied by a chamber orchestra, under the baton of conductor Miki Budge. ACMS is thrilled to bring back saprano Amanda Metzinger and baritone M. Hakes (Duluth), and welcome alto Aine Miller (Duluth) and tenor Felix Aguilar Tomlinson (Minneapolis).  201 Lake Shore Dr E.
  • 12/13-14/2024
    Holiday Market at Wild Rice Retreat, 84860 Old San Rd, Bayfield.   Step into the Magic of the Season: Wild Rice Retreat’s Enchanted Village & Artist Market!  This holiday season, we’re inviting you to experience something truly magical! Wild Rice Retreat is transforming into an Enchanted Village, your one-stop destination for holiday fun, festive vibes, and making unforgettable memories with your loved ones. Holiday Shopping Meets Artistry: Our Artist Market is where local creators bring their best handmade treasures—perfect for finding unique gifts that show your love and support for the local community. This is not just shopping; it’s a celebration of creativity and craftsmanship.  Caroling by the Fire: Feel the warmth of the season as you sip hot cocoa or mulled cider, gather with friends, and sing your favorite carols around a crackling fire. The magic of live caroling will fill your heart with holiday joy!  Family Fun Galore: From garland making and cookie decorating to ornament crafting, there’s something for every member of the family. Create your own holiday keepsakes, enjoy heartwarming treats, and explore everything this enchanted evening has to offer.  Join us for a night of wonder at Wild Rice Retreat. This is the holiday event you won’t want to miss!  Friday, December 13, 4-7pm.  Saturday, December 14 11am-4pm.  Have dinner with us Friday night or brunch Saturday morning! $34/plate.  For more information go to Resort Stays | Wild Rice Retreat
  • 12/14/2024
    Christmas Market at the Bohemian Hall, 319 11th Ave E.  9am-2pm. Handmade products and food. Lunch and baked goods by the Pine Creek 4-H Club.
  • 12/14/2024
    The 5th Annual Ashland Winter Market is happening at the Pearson Plaza, on Main St (next to what was once Burger Barn) 10am-2pm.  There will be holiday caroling taking place from 12-1pm. Caroling will be open to anyone- lyrics will be provided!  Featuring local folk artist and crafters! Find an array of handmade goods including wooden spoons, pottery, metal works, up-cycled clothing, wreaths, mosaics, jewelry, herbal skin care, nature prints and more!
  • 12/14/2024
    Northern Great Lakes Visitor’s Center. Casual Nature Journaling Walk. 1-2:30pm at the Multi-Purpose Room. Any and all are welcome to join for a Nature Journaling Walk on the visitor center trails! This casual walk will be led by Master Naturalist Jennie Beck and US Forest service Ranger Amanda Koval, with time for individual exploration. Registration is not required. Participants should bring their own journal and supplies, though basic supplies can be provided upon request for those who don’t have their own. 29270 Co Hwy G.
  • 12/14/2024
    An Old-Fashioned Visit with Santa. 1-4pm at the Mason Ambulance Building. 24450 Cty Hwy E. Mason. Children with enjoy Photos with Santa (bring your camera), Hot chocolate & cookies, making ornaments, helping decorate the Christmas Tree, listening to holiday music, and much more! Free! For more information call Marian 715-765-4554.
  • 12/14/2024
    Northern Lure in Glidden is hosting a Christmas Party: Get Ugly. Dress in your best and ugliest sweater. Also, bring in your best Spam recipes. 6pm. 23913 Preib Rd, Glidden.
  • 12/14-15/2024
    Come holiday shopping at Lost Creek Adventures during the Cornucopia Christmas Market. We will be open from 10am to 4pm. We have lots of paddling-related gifts and Apostle Islands clothing for your family and friends. 10% off gift certificates for retail and sit-on-top rentals and 20% off day trip reservations – in store or online only.  22475 Hwy 13,  Cornucopia.
  • 12/15/2024
    White Winter Winery: Christmas Charcuterie. Just in time for your Christmas gatherings! 1-3pm. Expert instructions by Yes, Cheese to help you build your own enticing Charcuterie Tray!  The class includes cheeses, meats, and treats with instruction and a glass festively warmed & spiced Glogg. $45 Large Tray $35 Medium Tray. Register. 68323 Lea Street Iron River.
  • 12/16/2024
    Ashland High School Winter Concert 6:30pm in the Ashland High School Auditorium, For more information, 715-682-7089.
  • 12/17/2024
    Ashland Middle School Winter Concert 2-3:30pm in the Ashland Middle School Dodd Gym Stage.
  • 12/19/2024
    Marengo Valley School Winter Concert, 62408 St. Hwy. 112, at 9am & 1pm. For more information, call 715-278-3286!
  • 12/19/2024
    Chequamegon Food Co-op Ham & Meatball Dinner with scalloped potatoes, peas, deli salad and holiday bar. Join us or to-go option. $12 4-6pm. 700 Main St. W.
  • 12/19/2024
    Vaughn Public Library Family Night Holiday Party. 6-7pm. Pajama Dance Party- wear your favorite pjs and bring your best dance moves! Decorate a sugar cookie, make a button bookmark, and holiday sensory bins! 502 Main St W.
  • 12/20-22/2024
    Ashland Youth Hockey: Battle By the Bay Tournament Series. 3 game guarantee – Trophies for first, second and consolation. Bay Area Civic Center. Bantam. 320 Depot Dr.
  • 12/21/2024
    Celebrate the shortest day of the year and beginning of winter at Solstice Outdoors and The Sandbar. Stop in the shop for an in store special, grab a hot drink special at the Sandbar and cozy up by a bonfire by the lake as we celebrate the winter season together. 10am-7pm. 2521 Lake Shore Dr W.
  • 12/21/2024
    Cookie Baker Club presents: The 6th Annual Cookie Fundraiser. $10 a Dozen. Over 12 different types to choose from! 10am-2pm at the Enrichment Center. All proceeds from the Cookie Sale will go to the Enrichment Center! Cash or Check only! Other sweet treats and drinks will be sold to support Local Highschooler’s trip to Spain! 400 Chapple Ave.
  • 12/21/2024
    Ashland’s Merry Ole’ Christmas. Come enjoy Ashland’s Main Street during the Christmas Season with a visit from Santa (11am-1pm), at One on One Hair Design and our Hay Wagon Rides during the day (11am-1pm), up and down Main Street. For more information call 715-682-2500.
  • 12/21/2024
    Flourish’s Christmas Crafts for Kids. Starting at 11am. $20. Bring your kiddos in and let them explore their creativity! We will have 3 projects that they will go home with. 1. Making a beautiful Christmas tree with colorful papers. 2. .A natural twig star adorned with colorful threads and beads. 3. A pine cone bird feeder to hang in your tree. We have limited each time slot to 6 kids as it gets a bit crowded with all the parents as well. Register.
  • 12/21/2024
    Experience the magic of the season with our Christmas Lights & Hayride Nights! Join us for a merry ride through town in our festively decorated haywagon! Bundle up, sip hot cocoa, and sing along to your favorite carols as we enjoy the twinkling lights! Rides at 4:30, 6:30, and 8:30—just $5 per person or $20 per family! Seats are limited, so register early! Individual tickets can be purchased online at Family tickets need to be purchased by calling the Ashland Chamber 715-682-2500. Don’t miss out—reserve your spot for a night of holiday cheer and warm memories!
  • 12/22/2024
    Bayfield Rec Center Water Polo 3-4:30pm.  Included in your Rec Center membership or come with a day pass.
  • 12/24/2024
    Join us at The Local for our Flannels & Flapjacks Christmas Brunch Bash!  Throw some axes and show off your skills!  Tee off on our multi-sport simulator (try golf and more!)
    Dig into delicious flapjacks, biscuits & gravy, or enjoy some favorites on our regular menu! Play games, win prizes, and enjoy the holiday vibes! 9am-3pm. Call us at 715-292-6181 to make your reservations! Throw on your flannels, bring your friends and family, and celebrate the season with us! It’s the perfect way to kick off your Christmas festivities.
    Save the date, spread the word, and join us for some pre-holiday fun!  3600 Golf Course Rd.
  • 12/26-28/2024
    Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center. 1-2:30pm Stranger in the Woods- Children’s Film and Crafts. Bring the family out for a free showing of Stranger in the Woods, followed by refreshments and crafts. Journey into the winter woods and meet two snowdrifts, Pierre and Janine. They will introduce you to their forest friends and reminisce about a mysterious stranger who once visited. This entertaining combination of live video and wildlife photography is based on the award-winning children’s book, Stranger in the Woods. 29270 Co Hwy G.
  • 12/27/2024
    Flourish’s Holiday Paint & Sip. Join us for some Christmas cheer and paint this Happy Holiday Scene! We will use acrylic paint on canvas and you’ll receive step by step instructions. The cost of the workshop is $30 and includes all your materials and a few delicious beverages to choose from! 1314 Lake Shore Dr W.
  • 12/28/2024
    Strange Brew is taking the stage at South Shore Brewery Taphouse! Get ready for an evening of legendary American rock, led by the one and only Bentley Brehm and his crew of talented local musicians.  7–9pm.  Don’t miss this chance to soak in the tunes, sip on your favorite brews, and close out 2024 with some amazing vibes.  532 W Bayfield St.
  • 12/28-29/2024
    Ironwood Snowmobile Olympus. Pro Vintage Racing! Pro Ice Bikes! Heated Concession Area, Vendors, Oval Office Bar. Race starts at 9am on the Gogebic County Fairgrounds, 648 West Cumberland Dr.-US 2. Click here for more information. 
  • 12/29/2024
    Family Tracking Hike: Join Ashland Parks & Rec for an afternoon of winter exploration at Prentice Park (Ashland, WI)! We will review different types of animal tracks and then head into the woods to see what critters are around. Be prepared to spend time moving through the snow. No registration required.
  • 12/30/2024
    Legion Memorial Library invites you to:  “Wild Robot” (If I’m able to purchase for us. Otherwise we’ll be showing an alternative. I’ll keep you updated.) You are welcome to bring a camp chair, snacks, and beverage if you’d like. Come and enjoy this family fun movie with friends. 106 Iron St., Mellen.
  • 12/31/2024
    Make Harbor Table your destination for your New Years celebrations! 4-10pm. Check out our New Year’s Eve Menu. Reservations recommended 715-373-5492.
  • 12/31/2024
    Come celebrate the New Year with us at New China Restaurant!🥡Buffet only from 4-9pm. Adults: $23.99 Kids (10 and under): $13.99 Shrimp and Steak Specials all day! Reservations are recommended so please make one today! 715-682-6601 300 Lake Shore Dr W. We look forward to having you!
  • 12/31/2024
    Celebrate New Years Eve at Bad River Lodge & Casino! New Years Eve Dinner Special includes: Prime Rib, Skewered Shrimp with garlic butter sauce, choice of Mashed Potatoes or Garlic Baby Reds, Asparagus wrapped in Bacon, Soup or Dinner Salad, and a Dinner Roll.  For more information, call 715-682-7121 or visit
  • 12/31/2024
    Join The Landing for five courses & one unforgettable night to ring in the New Year! We’re excited to feature this delicious five-course dining experience. All entrees are served with all five courses! Reservations are highly encouraged, so be sure to book your spot, and let’s toast to the new year together!  3- 8pm. Check out our menu on Facebook. 101 Lakeshore Dr W
  • 12/31/2024
    Tis the season to make your New Year’s Eve dinner reservations! Good Thyme will be open Tuesday, December 31st from 5-9pm for a Silver Soiree Dinner as we celebrate the 25th year of the 2000’s! Join us for our regular menu & Silver Soirée features as well as a champagne toast at 9pm to ring in the New Year! After dinner enjoy the many celebrations and live music events around our region hosted by our friends in hospitality & travel safely! To place reservations please call 715.373.5255 & join us 1 mile North of Washburn at: 77180 State Highway 13,Washburn.